They do this because they don’t want a Palestinian state. They have no intention of negotiating anything because their goal is to finish the job they started in 1948.

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Aug 3
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Well unless you live under a rock you know that to settle in what would be declared the state of Israel, Jews had to “clean” the land of Palestinians mostly by forcing them out, destroying their homes and killing many. And this continues until today.

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Once again we see the desires of war mongers prevail while ordinary people suffer. How predictable and sad for the world.

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True. The butcher of Gaza has an insatiable thirst for blood and the US, the modern day Frankenstein has created, nurtured and allowed a monster that one day will seek to destroy its maker. The implication of this action are exponential unless we have American leaders who strap the monster before he destroys us all. I am actually sad and perturbed by his assassination and that of his family and the continued atrocities to the Palestinian people. Where do we go from here?!

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Jul 31
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I think it needs to be in reverse. Hard pressure on the lovely Kamala (I've always kind of liked her, even though politically I find her too centrist) to make a real change on Gaza policy, which if she threads the needle well enough, will help her win.

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Yes. This. Too many voters are beyond disgusted at this administration's disingenuous hand-wringing and full-chested lying.

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Yes, you are right, I also believe it has to be now.

Netanyahu created all kinds of drama when he got back to Israel. I so hope, Harris will stand up to him, and not retreat to the same ol’ worn out’ “we will defend Israel, no matter what”

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She already said it.

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And we are not even talking about the assassination in Beirut. Israel launched a false flag operation in Occupied Golan Heights, assassinated someone in Lebanon and then killed Ismail Haniyeh. All this was made possible with the connivance of the US Congress's welcome of this Philadelphia born war criminal Bibi. Schumer and Jeffries are as involved as the Occupiers of Palestine.

The US Congress acts as the tutelary for Israel.

Is it not peculiar of Israel to continue committing one heinous act after another only to keep talking about the new and worse one by the MSM.

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Yes - it was false flag. Why are news agencies not exploring this point? Hizbollah have repeatedly said it wasn’t them. Who tells the editors what to follow up on. Even Jeremy Bowen - who I have so much admiration for, seems so fearful of saying the “wrong” thing in his dispatches. #1984

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The most revered Newspapers and media outlets are fearful of angering Israel and prevent ordinary contributors from using what they consider "incendiary" (accurate) language to describe the slaughter of Palestinians by any and all methods. The proof of this collusion of silence is the venom with which protests are met and dissolved as though Jews are the only people on earth, entitled to defend themselves or to enjoy safety.

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I think the most likely is that it was a mistake. Some Israeli paramedic said (anonymously) that it looked like Iron Dome misfired. But you know, never waste a good massacre! Gotta make use of it!

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I read that 74 civilians were killed in that recent attack on the dense city of Beirut. Beirut, with its sidewalk cafes, beautiful buildings and water, etc; the” Paris of the Middle East.”

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This is not a random pattern. If negotiators are killed--and they are--Israel's not negotiating in good faith. It's uncanny to pair this with its knowledge of Hamas' plans for an attack before 10/7.

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God Blesses his soul and all other killed Palestinian people


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This is as always interesting and incisive analysis Zeteo. But the history of this Palestine-Israel conflict (not a “war” and not a war with Hamas), only makes sense if we see it through the lens of an intended ethnic cleansing/genocide from the beginning - pre-1948. I have no doubt that there were many romantic ideals of making the desert bloom and creating a safe homeland for the Jews in some quarters; but Israel and several sponsoring individuals with Zionist intentions from the beginning have never been serious about “peace” “peace agreements”, “negotiations” or “a two state solution”. These are all useful tropes for domestic politics in the different sponsor countries. What is more, Israel is important to the US as its frontline against Iran. The irony of course is that Israel will never live in peace (I am not convinced it wishes to - rather it has grown up on a set of policies fed by a state of embattlement that it doesn’t know how to exit from), for as long as there is no Palestinian State. And by establishing a State of Palestine you immediately remove the reason for many violent groups to attack Israel and its interests. In the meantime, there is an horrific genocide. That no state seems able or willing to halt. And we are on the brink of a terrible regional and possibly wider war between Israel and Iran/Shias that suits the US given Iran’s nuclear ambitions and offers Israel the possibility of defeating Iran in order to become the regions greatest power, and annihilate the Palestinians in a side show. UK, US and others will be drawn in. This was obviously all agreed during the BB-Biden and David Lemmy-BB meetings recently. The Israel war machine seems unstoppable. My heart bleeds for the Palestinians being made homeless, limbless, orphaned, hopeless, tortured and dead in the OPTs.

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They continue to do this, because they don't value Palestinian lives AT ALL. Not too mention that this precision strike inside Beirut PROVES that they know how to target "bad guys" without MURDERING tens of thousands of innocent civilians. I'm so sick of Israel's BULLSHIT and I'm PRAYING (even though I'm not religious) that Kamala Harris will be different. I don't have high hopes, but I have to have some hope

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People in the West haven't had a chance to get to know who Haniyeh is, and they don't understand what an utter tragedy this is for peace in the Middle East.

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I found your post elsewhere today and just subscribed. Excellent.

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Thank you so much - I really appreciated that! I am brand new to publishing things on my own - I discovered Substack while subscribing to Zeteo and Drop Site News. I have tried to send articles about Hamas and Haniyeh to Norwegian press for nine months. It has been impossible. So now I choose my own words and tell it like it is. Thank you for liking this - and please share also :)

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I promoted your article in the comments section for an article I think in The Bulwark?

Good luck

Israel has had years to promote their lies to a willing audience. It’s hard to change, but I think people are slowly waking up to what’s happening.

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The White House allowed Israel to assassinate one of the main negotiators in an on-going negotiation for a cease fire in Gaza. Hitler would blush.

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Thanks, Mehdi, for connecting the dots for those of us who are less than fully engaged in this ongoing disaster. Clearly Netanyahu is not only killing Hamas leaders, but every chance of peace. As this series of conflicts continues indefinitely, the blood on his hands is also Israeli, not just Palestinian. When are the majority of Israelis going to realize they ,too, are pawns in Bibi's calculations?

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Let's not forget that Leah Rabin has said that Netanyahu was instrumental in the group of right-wing extremists behind the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin. From Wikipedia: "Rabin played a leading role in the signing of the Oslo Accords, which created the Palestinian National Authority and granted it partial control over parts of the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Prior to the signing of the accords, Rabin received a letter from PLO chairman Yasser Arafat renouncing violence and officially recognizing Israel, and on the same day, 9 September 1993, Rabin sent Arafat a letter officially recognizing the PLO. Rabin said, ""We who have fought against you, the Palestinians, we say to you today, in a loud and a clear voice; Enough of blood and tears. Enough!" And then he, like Gandhi, was assassinated by rabid extremists within his own country..

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Irrespective of whether Republican or Democrat the impotence of U.S. government to control Israel will spell its own doom.

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Clearly this is a pattern, an unsurprisingly warmongering pattern.

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It's called Politicide, the erasure of power, according to Rashid Khalidi in Hundred Years' War on Palestine, quoting Baruch Kimmerling. "Assassinations were thus a central element in Israel's ambition to transform the entire country, from the river to the sea, from an Arab to a Jewish one. To use Baruch Kimmerling's term once again, this was an example of politicide in its most literal form." (p. 127.) He was speaking of the assassinations of PLO leaders in Beirut in 1973, which sparked the 1975 civil war in Lebanon.

Interestingly, I don't recall the Palestinians, even the most militant among them, assassinating Israel's leaders. Why not? Netanyahu should be presiding over a government of corpses right now. Bring the fight straight to his front door. Nothing less will work.

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same shit. different day. you read any book/article about their massacres no matter how many decades old and its as if the book was written yesterday.

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