Now Israel believes that parts of Lebanon are also the promised land. Their greed knows no bounds. I'm sure the U.S. will help make that a reality. Netanyahu is making sure Israel sucks the life out of the U.S. and everyone else. What happened to the U.N. didn't they have a peacekeeping force? Why is everybody scared of a tiny state of only 9 million people, 2 million are Arabs? They have the gall to attack all surrounding countries and the west seems to be OK with that. This is the world upside down.

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Wrong, Israel wants no part of Lebanon. Israel is in Lebanon because Iran's Hezbollah has used it a a staging grounds to attack Israel.

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They've been after Hezbollah for years and years. It was actually some Israeli government people, like Ben G'vir who said that, not me, it's the Israelis that hold that view. Knowing their sense of entitlement I am not in the least surprised.

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Thank you for continuing to tell the truth Prem even if so few of us are willing to listen and demand that we force Israel to stop the slaughter.

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They don't give a damn about Americans. We are all expendable.

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Ain’t that the fucking truth. Only human beings would, could be so FUCKING STUPID!

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Everyone left to right is complicit in completely minimizing this genocide. For the life of me, I can’t understand why nearly everyone trots the nonsensical 40K number around. It’s absolutely shameful. I’ve been seeing that number for months and months and months of endless killing. Stop using the meaningless number! That *might* be 10% percent of the actual Palestinians dead. The 6 million Jewish dead in the Holocaust was a scientific estimate of *all causes* and yet, only 40K Palestinians will ever be dead, however long this madness goes on.

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I am not seeing us as trying to serve the interests of the Zionist movement. Rather it seems we thought the Zionist movement would be the way for the US to keep control of Middle East oil. But that is proving unworkable -- we were aligned with Zionism as long as it was effective. But it seems to be getting too shockingly hateful to be effective -- it is now turning the world against us and Israel.

Not to mention that Saudi Arabia is also apparently within the "promised land." Saudis were buddying up to Israel until Israel went after Lebanon, and Iran entered the chat.

So now we are at an impasse. We lose Gulf oil one way or the other. We either have to renounce Zionism or Iran will blow up oil infrastructure. Russia is leaping at the opportunity (Russia chastising Israel for invading a foreign country, LOL!), confirming what this has been about all along. Not to mention that if the US economy tanks, fascism will be strengthened.

Tim Walz was actually pretty clear that the *expansion* of Israel is critical for the US. Not because we support Zionism, but because we support our access to Gulf oil, our economy, ultimately our democracy. But what is our democracy if it means Israel's unconscionable behavior all over the Middle East? Can't win this one.

All these actions serve to destabilize us right before the election: Israel invading Lebanon, attacking Yemen, Syria, and Iran. Iran attacking Israel. Russia entering the fray. They all want Trump, no?

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Yes. You’re absolutely spot on. The Democrats seem to have one goal. Return Trump to the presidency.

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Not what I was saying.

Biden thought supporting this egregious situation might reduce election interference, at home and abroad, and pacify those who benefit from war machines. Allow democracy in the US to live another day.

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Now I really don’t know what you’re saying.

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I don't have reason to believe Biden is trying to get Trump elected. But he has tried to safeguard Democratic party victory by supporting the atrocities in Gaza and now Lebanon. Didn't work. Israel is doing everything to cause a crisis weeks from the election.

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You mean KILLINg Millions to allow a criminal to steal land and resources.

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Netanyahu and his Cabinet are Psychotic Zionist Racist Jewish Supremacist Genocider and Ethnic Cleanser! DISGUSTING NAZIS!

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20 billion sent in support of Israeli genocide not many weeks ago. And now another 8.7 billion, a total of 28.7 billions that could be applied to US disaster relief as the US continues to support Israel’s ever expanding war agenda. This is an insult to Americans and a betrayal to all affected Middle East countries. The Republican Party is a dangerous cult and the Democratic Party seems hell bent on upstaging them.

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Talked to to a friend who is American/Lebanese, and recently left Lebanon. She said many Israelis believe Lebanon is not a country, and instead a place where Hezbollah hangs out to create trouble. That’s why Netanyahu is trying to expand the region for himself, he thinks it belongs to him and Israel. US does know this, and the same that’s happening in Gaza is now happening in Lebanon.

Netanyahu is governing the world, even though the people are reacting, not many leaders do. The West is now a dictatorship under Netanyahu. How embarrassing and so weak!

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Excellent summary

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"So we’re left with the possibility that the highest rungs are behaving this way not because it’s good politics, or in accordance with international law or aims for peace, but in spite of those aims.

Just this week, the State Department said out loud: “We've never wanted to see a diplomatic resolution with Hamas.” A Lebanese official said Nasrallah agreed to a ceasefire before he was killed — which some US officials don’t dispute; senior White House officials quietly encouraged Israel to escalate in Lebanon while publicly claiming to be against it."

I feel such a fool, having spent so much energy on pleading with my elected officials to apply pressure on Israel, on reminding them that they have that power---they were laughing the whole time: Israel is doing exactly what the US wants it to do. Our reps don't give a flying fuck about what we, the tax payers, want; about what we, who hired them, want. The Lobby is all powerful, and congress and the executive fall right in line (with a few, very few notable exceptions of course). What I can't fathom is how short-sighted they are: losing Michigan to Trump may well change all our world for the worse (save, of course, for the arms dealers, who only care about this year's bottom line). Sad that valuing human life seems an afterthought.

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Wow. I’m staying off Zeteo. The Zionist Democratic Party trolls have arrived in full force. Medhi encourages this by his continued stumping for Dems while abhorring the results of their policies. Prem Thakker, you are an awesome journalist who is never confused about what’s at stake and where things stand. I now only visit Zeteo for your submissions. Try to ignore the comments. Best!

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You are ill informed, your opinion is riddled with recency bias, and narrow understanding of the middle east.

The war was started by Shia Muslims in Iran in 1979. It is supported by Islamic Shia in the middle east and uninformed westerners. Hiller tried to eliminate the Jewish people in Europe, so the returned to their ancestral land in Israel. Today Ali Ayatollah the Supreme leader of Iran is promising the same in Israel. He is leading the Shia Muslims to undertake Islamic Jihad. Religious war to Kill, torture, rape, and enslave the Jews in Israel. Make them Muslims. No Israel did not start this war and is reluctantly prosecuting this war.

Instead of supporting their people economic prosperity they spend their money on building a network of tunnels bigger than the New York subway system. And after all this the invaded Israel one year ago, killed babies, burned them alive, took hostages and raped young and old women (and men).

Instead of supporting the Gazan People the use them as human shields. The know that we in the west care about human lives, so they complain about its loss. They celebrate in the street when Israeli Civilians suffer.

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