Thank you for highlighting this genocide and thank you to Nesrine for painting a true and honest picture

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Jun 9·edited Jun 24

I'm ashamed to admit that I do not know nearly as much as I have to so I'm thankful to him doing this interview and highlighting the genocide in Sudan.

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The same reason people ignored Israeli apartheid for 70 years and believed the Indigenous lands to which white European settlers stampeded was a wasteland, vacant real estate to be developed. Colonialists, and their descendants, don’t want to learn about colonialism. If you think about it, racism is a tool and it’s all about real estate development. And now we’re possibly on the precipice of one of the biggest real estate dealers in Manhattan becoming president. And, the “good” alternative candidate is assisting in a genocide to make the world safer for some very “tantalizing” real estate deals in concert with Israel and the Saudis.

Could any vision be more distasteful?

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I am happy that 4 Israeli hostages are back with their families, and very sad that many Palestinians are reportedly dead or injured because of this operation. Why do we seem to ignore the plight of so many people, including children, on this planet?

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Racism. It’s everywhere. Palestinians are called perjoritive terms and not considered human, their religion is labeled terrorism and their right to exist is denied. In fact, the propaganda is there was never a Palestine or Palestinians.

Sudan has gold and rare minerals and Wagner Group smugglers brought vast amounts of weapons. Russia wants the gold, China wants the same. UAE wants the gold for their toilets and faucets.

Colonialism is still ruining the planet

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The larger context here, in Sudan, is that there are 30M people, displaced or starving around a key American asset, the Red Sea, overlorded by our favorite dictators, and only contested by Yemen.

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The Red Sea is not a key “American Asset”!!!! It’s an international shipping lane. Btw Houthis beat Saudi Arabia in their conflict and are standing up for Palestinians’ sovereignty.

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Without the key asset how did Cheney’s oil get lost under their sand?

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Unless something very big has changed, American Tax Dollars have not been funding this tragedy to the extent that Americans have been paying for Israelis to dominate and exterminate Palestinians for decades upon decades, now. That is why we don't pay as much attention to this. And it is justified. If Americans weren't funding Israel to the very excessive amount of more than $300Billion, then we would have very different discussions about a lot of other tragedies. For reference, here is the Council on Foreign Relations article that attests to this amount - https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts

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American built a pipeline from

Kirkuk )when it was created by British into Iraq) to Haifa. 1940s. Huge natural gas fields off Gaza. Saudi Arabia wants to pump its oil into Israel and avoid Persian Gulf, Straits of Hormuz and Red Sea.

It’s always about money and power

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Sudan, Gaza, Ukraine. Authoritarian racist shifts to the right globally. Even the supposed good guys, such as Biden, lending support to genocide without a hint of irony and compassion for the victims. On top of the senseless conflicts there is the warming planet with elected officials and governments unable or unwilling to lend authentic leadership required for the times. As Medhi has noted, “These are dark times.”

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When will the media make Israel’s genocide of 36,000 the most important story? Yet, 4 Israeli hostages, in good shape, get the BREAKING NEWS! Good for them but I would say 100 people murdered to save 4 is the HEARTBREAKING NEWS!

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Thanks for all you do. I love the there’s a YouTube, during the pandemic, like many, I watched a lot of videos on YouTube, and I developed a little network of presenters I enjoy watching and being informed on the topics of today’s news.

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Welcome to what’s like being a late millennial since at least early 2010s lol

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Thank you, Mehdi, for bringing attention to the genocidal war in Sudan.

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I didn’t miss it. It is so frustrating. That is why I watch zeteo!

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Mehdi, corporate media is in cahoots with fascist/corporate GOP/ Dems in the acquiescence to the genocides in occupied Palestine as well as Sudan. These genocides are convenient to the goals of oligarchs’ and our own obsessive compulsive addiction to consumerism. Indigenous people in Palestine and Sudan are not, in view of oligarchs, good enough consumers; hence must be annihilated, displaced and replaced with better consumers. Naomi Klein’s ‘shock and awe’ plays a vital role and we all play one as well by allowing these tragedies to occur. Our arms industry benefits as many of our weapons are used in defense of the status quo to preserve Western hegemony.

Thank you for daring to challenge the code of silence that allows these despicable tragedies to go on and on.

The indigenous people in North, South and MesoAmerica (and elsewhere) were effective; successfully wiping out enough Indigenous people to feed the voracious appetite of the oligarchs then and now. The homelands of many of these people now serve as a source of cheap labor for what Bush Sr referred to as the “new world order.”Progressives, divided as we are, have been unable to challenge the parasitic oligarchs. Notice the silence of many online pundits who purport being progressives yet dare not meaningful cover the contrived (created by Eurocentric forces in Europe and the U.S.) conflict between colonial settlers in Zionist Apartheid Israel and Occupied Palestine. Modern madness fear and despise traditional unassimilated Indigenous people living in harmony with the Earth, one that those representing modernity inevitably seeks to destroy to impose their perverse ethos and/or mindset, ideology. Renowned Ian McHarg said it well in 1971, in a lecture entitled, “Man, Planetary Disease.” We must recognize our diseased condition, an unsustainable lifestyle in order to overcome it. In a nutshell, Palestinians and and the Sudanese people are seen as impeding ‘progress’ by the likes of Biden, Netanyahu, et al. We ought to demand Biden resign, support the BDS movement against Israel, declare Netanyahu as persona non grata (unwelcome) in the U.S. and defend Indigenous people rather than the colonial settlers that serve as proxies that seek to exploit them. Having said that, if the choice is between Biden and Trump I’ll vote for Biden.

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Thank you so much Mehdi!!!

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Case in point, look how YouTube and other social media platforms influence the election results in India,

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This Racist Capitalist nation has ignored the conflicts in Africa , that this nation along with its European allies greed selfish based racism, caused, since the Nigerian Civil War.

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