Israeli kills anyone and anything. They killed animals and have constantly set olive trees on fire. They are killing their own hostages and killed many israelis on Oct. 7 under the Hannibal directive. It’s not a religion conflict. It’s settler colonial genocidal project

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Great job Mehdi; this is a very important story to be told to the World that this historic Christian Community is being wiped out.

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Why aren't American "Christians" screaming out in protest??

When did they forget that that being "Christ-Like" is the definition of being a Christian?

Maybe, they follow different rules than those taught by Christ?

Maybe, they are confused?

Maybe, they don't value the lives of non-Americans?

Or, maybe Palestinians don't qualify in the minds of Christian wannabes?

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The American pro-Israeli evangelicals, in my opinion, are incurious, uninformed and gullible. They certainly are not Christian in the true sense of the word. They might as well be Druids! I feel very sad not only for the people in Gaza, but for the loss of the ancient churches and Mosques which cannot be replaced. The moral IDF have even wiped out museums (after stealing anything worthwhile that is.) They wipe out the history of Palestinians while building holocaust museums all over the world.

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Spot on! Those pro-Israeli ppl called Zionist Christians are NOT real Christian’s-They are un-Godly- as Zionist Jews clearly-And as immoral inhuman & deceptive-Stark difference between good real Christian’s & Jews-who know better than to subscribe to a racist murdering w/impunity guilty of crimes agnst humanity ideology such as Zionism- The immoral IDF took the place of the terrorist murdering Ashkenazi gangs Irgun Haganah & Stern who attacked Palestinians in Palestine murdering,raping,burning down homes,stealing Pal antiquities & artifacts in 1947-48 to create a Zionist regime- It’s been part of their plan since 1897 when the first Zionist org was created & remains their plan to genocide indigenous Palestinians of all religions-To The Hague!

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Oh my God how much more does the American public need to hear from their own Cristian peer that there is genocide hapening under the name of Isreali terrorism . Till when are the americans going to remain under isreali occupation and till when are the Americans going to allow the isreali terrorist occupy palestine. We need to free USA from colonial Isreli terrorism and also we need to free palestine from colonial isreali genocidal terrorism . Free free USA from Ocean to Ocean and free free palestine from river to the sea

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Why do American Christians not scream for Palestinian Christians in my opinion because Palestinians are not white Europeans! Heartbreaking and disgusting to hear these atrocities day in and day out! It’s beyond comprehension! Uncommitted voters are right because as a human I can not support what’s happening! The atrocities and horrific crimes we are witnessing against humanity is NOT self defense!

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Sep 15·edited Sep 17

Yes. It is beyond comprehension. A sort of blood lust has taken over the entire Isra*li occupation, where reason and even a shred of civilization have been banished…..

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Remember when farmer congressman, Justin Amash spoke about his family members being impacted by the genocide in Gaza last year because they were Christians and taking shelter in one of the churches?

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This is heartbreaking. There is no respect for the places and people who have been living there. If the shoe were on the other foot, if Christians did the same to the Jews and their temples, we wouldn't hear the end of it. It seems they want everything dead and everything leveled to the ground. It's outrageous, and neither the Democrats or the Republicans care, and both are going to continue sending munitions to continue it. What can we do? I'm sad to be an American.

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The Israeli intent was never to have a home in Palestine, but to make Palestine their home. The US has been a complicit partner in all that has occurred in Palestine this century and I am devastated by people’s ignorance born of either laziness or prejudice. How hopeless it all seems when corrupt political powers govern a people too lazy to be anything other than comfortably ignorant.

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At this rate. Who believes in Democracy? I mean look at America who is spreading it in the middle east. Their own country and also rest of the world is in the hands of the elite. Look at the UN. It is a joke

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Thank-you, Medhi. You are a jewel among us. You keep me informed and I keep seeing the truth. Thank-you, Thank-you.

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This was an outstanding interview.

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