I have a choice to make a comment about the worst example of the human race and the best example of the human race.  I choose the latter and here I would like to express my gratitude and utmost respect to these doctors and healthcare workers.  If there were such a thing as angles, these people would be it

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Contact media outlets and ask them to stop referencing an "Israel-Hamas" war. Israel genocide is best. But I'd settle for Israeli war on Palestinians. Constant Hamas references are used to justify the genocide.

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They're doing it to please their Billionaire-class funders. None of us have the $$ to stop these Billionaires from bribing our elected representatives or any XYZ media. The smartest thing to do is DEFUND them. Stop giving your eyeballs to any commercial outlet. You'll deprive them of advertising attention. GenZ is getting clever w social media using BLOCK to send a message to influencers/celebrities who make ad $$ off the number of followers. You can do the same on social media. Even if you don't follow someone, you can BLOCK them. The companies are running data metrics in the background. So if someone loses followers or even has BLOCKED, then advertisers start to wonder how effective their ad $$ going to XYZ influencer is. You can also FUND other media outlets that do not dehumanize Palestinians - Zeteo, The Intercept, Democracy Now, Breaking Points, Brianna's Bad Faith, The Young Turks, Owen Jones, Sam Seder's Majority Report, Katie Halper, and more. Give $$ to PBS and tell them it is specifically for the Amanpour & Company show. Advocate amongst your peers in real time to do the same. Then find the individual journalists who are breaking through on mainstream and tell CNN or MSNBC that you will ONLY pay attention to Joy Reid or Chris Hayes b/c they do not dehumanize Palestinians, or boost Kyung Lah who is outing the violent anti-UCLA thugs. Be specific. But as we learned, no matter how many times I voiced my support for Mehdi to MSNBC, it didn't change him getting canceled. The ultimate fix is to fund the people who have integrity. The great thing about tech today is that entities like Zeteo can exist. Let's rebuild the entire media landscape!!

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correction/addition to MSNBC; Ayman on Sat and Sun nights is fantastic on Gaza,

also Capehart on Sat night,

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This is absolutely unacceptable! Hospitals, health care professionals, EMT, ambulances are NOT targets. Israel has been callously pushing the boundaries of war crimes. They need serious punitive measures. On the other hand, where the hell are our medical councils??? Thanks Dr.Tanya and Dr.Rebecca for your searing testimony!!

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Actually, they absolutely are targets, so much for the most moral army.

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What words can express this horror. Such an important testimony and yes we must all do what we can to keep our objection to this catastrophe uppermost in our communities and demand an end to US support and using every lever to make it stop. Medical workers in the US really need to band together to speak to this as well.

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American journalists are silent while Palestinian journalists are murdered, American Universities are silent while Palestinian Universities are leveled by bombs, American doctors are silent while Palestinian doctors are murdered. I think I see a pattern here...

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The vocal ones are on the streets. The hospitals and associations have been wilfully silent.

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the hospitals and associations have been bribed or they are willfully complicit b/c they are led by a generation who do not see Palestinians as human. It sucks. We've watched it for decades. The only way is to use whatever power you have to choose differently. You have micro-choices available to you every day. You have local representatives you can contact. Just make it known that you are one of the ones who refuses to look away and allow human civilization to deteriorate into tribal or sectarian violence. So the ONLY WAY is equality and basic human rights for everyone. It is the ONLY way.

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People are afraid to speak out there's so much accusations of antisemitism look what's happened to professors amd presidents of universities. The woman who recently resigned from the state department who had been with them for 18 years, said there was an atmosphere of fear and silence. That's everywhere in American institutions- only the university students feel free to speak up

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I see BIG donors and $$$ as the main reason for silence. Also we must remind a few doctors about that oath they took...

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We all have to be careful, for sure. Time to scrutinize our institutions, find ways to demand accountability, but also find ways to be clear that this is about Human Rights, not about Antisemitism. There are people who are abusing their power to justify lawlessness. You may have to lawyer-up. We all may have to be prepared to do so. This is why the ACLU exists. Doctors are vulnerable precisely b/c they always thought they were doing something unquestionably noble. You have to recognize people are people - some will abuse their power b/c they are simply spineless, weak of character, lack integrity, etc. It really is that simple. They're insecure, immature, temperamental, whatever. But we do have really great outspoken Jewish leaders who are helping us all articulate what is truly right from what is wrong, what is truly antisemitic from what is not. Follow them, listen to them, educate yourself so you can educate others. We can all be a part of guiding others with a more enlightened path. Everywhere there are micro-moments where you can channel your fear to helping someone against this madness. Use your fear as a source of alertness. If you have the opportunity to help one of those students someday, then prepare yourself for that future. We don't need to wait for Trump. Fascism is already here. As Jason Stanley (Yale prof) pointed out here on this platform in his interview, using the accusation of antisemitism is just the latest cudgel.

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The bigger question is why the west is downplaying all of these atrocities? This interview shows the world even more evidence that this is an ethnic cleansing on a mass scale and the west wants to ignore it. Instead, the news is full of protestors being arrested and beaten by authoritarian police in these western countries and trying their best to stifle the TikTok videos leaking out documenting all of this. The U.S. is trying to suppress the news about the arms sales, protests, and the increasing threats against Biden's re-election. Germany is cracking heads left and right. Britain the same. France to a smaller degree and so many others. What are they all afraid of? Are these western government officials afraid of Israel for some reason we don't know about yet?

It's time for the other nations of the world to stand up to the west and force Israel into a ceasefire so the aid relief and medical teams can start taking care of what's left of the Palestinians in Gaza. This ethnic cleansing must stop. The Palestinians must be allowed to have their own state recognized in the U.N. as members of the global community of nations. Why is the west and Israel so afraid of that?

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Can't speak for those other countries, but the US government doesn't need to be afraid of anything to crack the skulls of some protesters. It's what we do, we're a militarized police state and police violence is the go-to answer for almost every problem from homelessness to unruly students. Especially in New York, where the NYPD is desperately eager to be used this way, to justify the massive share of the city's budget that it sucks up every year (plus the massive overtime bonuses the cops get for beating the crap out of students.)

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This also applies to the other major cities and campuses who are reigning terror on the students across the country and the world. It's all about appearances, which equals money for the wealthy elites. Their lives are way more important than some poor student exercising their first amendment rights. Just ask them.

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We need a stronger Ireland. Please do make a new center. We continue to fight in America, but as SteveB points out - so many of our systems have been captured by Billionaires who profit from war and the tech dominated security madness that is Israel - see Caroline Haskins' article in The Guardian - https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/17/ai-weapons-palantir-war-technology and new reports that show Mayor Eric Adams was taking direction via WhatsApp straight from these disgusting Billionaires for the crackdown on the students.

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For them it is all about keeping their prestigious jobs and money and perks that come with that. They have forgotten that they were elected to represent the interests of all of the people, not just the wealthy donors.

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Sometimes things are simple ( even though people like H Clinton and R Gates both say it's complicated and university students don't get it) and sometimes trying to make them simple is reductive when it's really more complex. History of the colonization Palestinian land and the continued injustice is a complicated story yet the slaughter oof 15,000 children, the maimed and burned mothers, fathers and children w no pain medication or proper facilities or assistance isnt at all complicated. Taking away medical workers to torture them, destroying the main hospital- these are war crimes and incredibly inhumane and unacceptable.

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It really isn't that complicated. Follow the money. Jews were being persecuted in eastern Europe and Russia in the late 19th century so they started migrating to Palestine but couldn't stand to live alongside the 'Gentiles' (The Palestinians and Bedouins). They started pushing them out back then but, as the British were the colonizers back then, they supported the Jews.

In 1917, the British further supported the newly minted Israelis with the Balfour Agreement, setting up more atrocities against the Palestinians, who are now looked at as an inferior peoples.

Then came 1948. The aftermath of the Holocaust in Europe. Mass migrations of Jews to Israel needed a place to set up new live. Hence the first Nakba. All to make to make room for the Jews from Europe and the U.S. It has been this way since. Get rid of the subhuman Palestinians anyway they can to make room for and take over Gaza. Gaza has vast oil reserves underneath, plus the Israelis want to create the Ben Gurion canal between north and south Gaza. They need to get rid of all of the Palestinians or most of them anyway in Gaza and the West bank in order to fulfill their desires.

Since the U.S. appears to be backing all of this, will Israel manage to accomplish its stated goals? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Interesting enough, Biden just gave speech at Morehouse graduation saying he wants a ceasefire. He said it. Directly addressed it. And Morehouse allowed its valedictorian to give his speech where he called for Palestinian freedom. This is the first student who has been allowed to give his intended speech and the kids who stood w their backs to Biden were not censured or kicked out. We shall see what this means...These kids will remember if Biden is just pandering and does a bait-n-switch. Just crazy that he dared to give such a speech to such a prominent group of Black America's youth.

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My bet it is pandering. He needs every vote he can get now and is probably not above lying to get them. I agree, let's wait and see what he does.

Good for the college though. A step in the right direction. Let's see more of that and hope for the best.

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Devastating. Absolutely devastating. I forced myself to watch till the end. No easy feat. I, too, am grateful to these three women for the heart shattering task of bearing witness. And the Palestinian health care workers – there are no words for their magnificence.

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Lovelies, Fatima, Tanya and Rebecca, words can not express how much you are appreciated for all that you do and your voices, you are absolutely magnificent.

Thank you, May God Bless you and protect you ♥️♥️♥️

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It is beyond comprehension that this is allowed to continue. In bombing hospitals and attacking medical staff, the Geneva Convention has clearly been violated.

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This is important reporting. Congratulations to the ladies with the courage to do this work. I am ashamed that I don’t do more, but I will try to.

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Israel’s indiscriminate bombing of civilians is truly evil.

Its acts of precision-targeting are so much worse:

• Its focus on depriving Gaza’s population of water, food, medicine & healthcare, WHILE it indiscriminately massacres the population.

• Its focus on slaughtering aid-workers who would otherwise mitigate a fraction of its deprivation.

• Its focus on slaughtering healthcare-providers, who would otherwise mitigate a small fraction of its savagery.

• Its focus on slaughtering reporters, who would otherwise give an honest account of a small fraction of Israel’s sadistic extermination of human beings.

• Its focus on destroying schools, universities & mosques, to permanently eradicate Palestinians’ collective knowledge, culture, and recorded history.

Its calculated “snipping” of every lifeline.

After 38 minutes of listening to horrors too bleak to imagine — that are being intentionally inflicted on a helpless, captive population — it wasn’t until I heard Dr. Haj-Hassan say, “They took such good care of us,” that I cried. I had braced myself for Israel’s malevolence; I was blindsided by Palestinians’ kindness.

Free Palestine.

Free Palestine.

Free Palestine.

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Enforced Starvation, deliberately destroyed infrastructure, water filtration facilities smashed, and mass abduction of nurses, doctors and healthcare workers, the murderous depravity of the IDF in ensuring the loss of anything that sustained Human Life knows no limits. These modern day "Einsatzgruppen" are the stuff of nightmares, and that's putting it politely. These Soulless Monsters are the descendants of Nazism in every sense. How can the Palestinian People survive the Western World's enabling of Genocide and it's indifference? The Fascist Apartheid Rogue State of Israel and it's financial backers are parasites upon Humanity. They must be held accountable for their Barbarism, and destroyed utterly as an entity. The Evolution of Humanity will cease to matter if we don't return to the Light and banish this new Dark Age forever. Please let Mother Earth, and the Palestinian People survive the true "Children of Darkness" The Terrorist State of Israel cannot, and must not, be allowed to prevail. If we don't stop this madness, Humanity Is Dead.

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This is the most disturbing heart wrenching testimony I’ve heard in the 7 months of this senseless destruction of Gaza. I don’t quite know how Israel and the US will survive this horrible aggression of an entire population supported by American and sour so called ally’s contributions to the Israeli horror machine. Just this morning President Biden gave the commencement address at Morehouse college following the valedictorian calling for an immediate and permanent cease fire in Gaza. Biden had the gall to sit there and clap as though he is an innocent bystander. We now have more than a dozen Democratic Party AIPAC representatives calling for unconditional continued arms support for Israel and Republican representatives traveling to Israel vowing the same and dismissing the unconscionable support that Biden has given since October 7th. Biden ran to restore the soul of the nation. Ironic.

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One last time! It is The Gaza Ghetto.

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And one more time, this is the work of NOT-Z and not a "the most moral army in the world"

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It is very difficult for me to be informed about all these tragedies; i seek comfort in prayers!

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This was unbelievable, haunting, and full of love and sadness. Thank you Zeteo so much.

and thank you to the doctors who conveyed so much truth. Cutting the connecting tube to a machine , to prevent health care, from happening, is so outrageous. Torturing doctors is the same....I'm going to phone Congress, and will attend my local peace vigils.

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I will never forget and never forgive the mainstream medias involvement in this genocide. The fact that theres almost zero debate or even coverage about this, makes all these media institutions complicict in this genocide. And not only is this not covered the way it should be but we are still hearing the same lies about October 7 and Israels war crimes/crimes against humanity in Gaza. And as if that is not enough, the heroes of Gaza (doctors, aid workers, journalists, rescue workers) are being smeared and and/or ignored.

I have so much respect for these guests and truly think they`re the heroes of our time. I know the word hero is kinda overused these days, but they truly are and they represent the best of humanity!

Thank you zeteo for bringing them on, letting them tell the truth and honor those who are doing unimaginable amount of good.

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