“In a terse, one-page letter obtained exclusively by Zeteo, and signed by 12 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan is informed that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues to account for their actions in Gaza will be interpreted “not only as a threat to Isra…
“In a terse, one-page letter obtained exclusively by Zeteo, and signed by 12 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan is informed that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues to account for their actions in Gaza will be interpreted “not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.”
Move along folks, nothing to see here. These imbeciles are “All Pomp, and No Circumstance!” Last I checked, Biden is President and democrats control the senate.
These shenanigans are more reason the protesting college students need to rethink their positions against Biden, since a Trump win, and republicans retaking the senate, will have dire consequences for the US and world.
And consider what happens to the courts should Trump win and republicans retake the senate? Trump will secure a Republican fascist court for the next four decades, and also control every circuit and district court in the country.
They will rule by judicial fiat, regardless of whether democrats ever take over the executive branch and Congress. Any major legislation will be tied up in the courts for years, even after the presidency is over. Let that sink in.
What’s happening in Gaza is atrocious, but a Trump presidency will mean far worse things to come for all of us. Register and Vote Blue down the ticket in November; our lives depend on it!…:)
No, it’s just you believe Presidents have more power than they do. They are responsible for holding international coalitions together, for which Israel is a major player in the region.
You need to get off your high horse because it’s childish. As Benjamin Disraeli (PM of Britain in 1860) said, “Countries have no friends, only interests.”
Don’t honestly believe any country when it believes its survival is at stake, will ever submit to another’s ultimatums?
Look no further than Ukraine. We convinced them to give up all 20k nukes (third largest stockpile in the world at the time) after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1993 (Bucharest Memorandum); with Russia, France, Britain and China as signatories. It guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty over its existing territory.
They agreed, and look at them now? In America, we have elections every four years for President; they are renters, not owners of the Whitehouse.
Every country in the world knows that the next administration could rip up an agreement, or negate treaties negotiated by the previous administration. See Trump and the JCPOA, NAFTA, Paris Accords, etc…
So please wake up and understand what’s truly at stake with this election.
I would not know where to start with your many fallacies.
"Presidents have more power than they do. They are responsible for holding international coalitions together"
No, Presidents are responsible to up hold the rule of law and as for the international coalition go, multiple UN votes have proven where the International community stand and the US is the only one opposing their will.
"As Benjamin Disraeli (PM of Britain in 1860) said, “Countries have no friends, only interests.”"
Only a Zionist will argue that complicity in a genocide is in the interest of the USA.
"Don’t honestly believe any country when it believes its survival is at stake, will ever submit to another’s ultimatums?" Yet another Zionist/AIPAC propaganda that the survival of Israel is at stack. The only thing in reality that is at stack is the continuation of an illegal OCCUPATION.
"Every country in the world knows that the next administration could rip up an agreement, or negate treaties negotiated by the previous administration. See Trump and the JCPOA, NAFTA, Paris Accords"
Again by your own notion, you have proven that this system that we have been operating under has been unreliable and untrustworthy since it is only good for 4 years. Not to mention that the system has become so corrupt that is hard to tell apart a Democrat from a Republican.
What world do you live in? Biden doesn’t want a genocide, but countries are only willing to commit so much to a cause, unless it includes a national interest.
We didn’t defend the Tutsi’s in Rwanda from the Hutu’s in the mid 90’s because we didn’t have a national interest to do so; allowing the slaughter of almost a million people in six months. It’s called realpolitik. It may not be right, but it’s reality.
And really? You don’t want to support a genocidal country? Are you on TikTok? Do you buy Chinese goods from Amazon or any American company? Because guess what? Most of our goods are produce in China and China is committing a genocide against their own people.
Have you Ever heard of the Uyghurs? There’s a genocide occurring as we speak by the Chinese.
Have you been to Myanmar (formally Burma)? Guess what? A genocide has been happening for over a decade. Where in the world or UN for that matter?
How about the 500k massacred in Ukraine by an invading Russian force? Nothing? Or how about when Assad killed over 500k Syrian’s during the Arab Spring? What’s a matter? Nothing? No outrage?
How about Durfur? There is a genocide taking place right now: where’s your outrage? These people are Muslim too. How about Yemen? Are you boycotting Iran or the Saudi’s or UAE? I didn’t think so, just the Jewish state of Israel.
Get back to me when you show the same outrage for the people of these countries as you do for the Palestinians. Except you won’t, and don’t. It’s all about the filthy Zionist Jews with you.
Good luck with your faux outrage for one of many wars that have brought famine, pestilence and death to so many people across several continents. You’ll neeed it!
Your gaslighting and whataboutism has not gone unnoticed.
"Biden doesn’t want a genocide" If that truly was the case, he would have ended when the genocidal intent was announced by the Zionist Israelis. Everyone including the Zionist know that this genocide would not have been possible without the USA and that makes Joenocide Biden accomplice to it. Now go talk about TikTok, China and Planet Mars, but none of that will change this fact.
Free Palestine from the River to the Sea from this evil OCCUPATION of Zionist
Free USA from the Atlantic to the Pacific from this evil control of Zionist/AIPAC
You are either suffering from multiple personality disorder or extreme case of amnesia since you don't remember what you just wrote.
In any case, you seem to be a closeted Zionist and if so, I refuse to engage with them as they are no better than NOT-Z and there is no point arguing with that type of mindset.
Figuratively, approximately 30 years ago. Please review Biden’s extensive political record.
During his career, he has often prioritized the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of the U.S., notwithstanding the fact that there was no “upside” for the U.S. or Middle East peace and his decision to do so often put Americans around the world in unnecessary danger or caused them to be killed. The current conflict is a case in point— three Americans are confirmed dead and it’s believed that five are still being held hostage.
In any event, the U.S. president has a great deal of leverage over Israel’s PM. More so than any other leader in the world. Remember when Ronald Reagan made one call to Netanyahu regarding Israel’s actions in Lebanon? One phone call is all it takes if the true intention of the U.S. president making the call is, in fact, to cause Israel to reverse course.
The U.S. provides Israel with nearly $4 billion in aid every year and tens of billions every time Israel takes extended military action against one of its neighbors— just two weeks ago, the U.S. approved $26 billion in aid to Israel. In addition, the U.S. regularly provides Israel with political cover at the U.N., through the exercise of its UNSC veto power— which it has used 46 out of 85 times to block resolutions critical of, or unfavorable to, Israel. And, at times, the U.S. did so when Israel was in clear violation of international law.
All Biden has to do in order to force Israel to reverse course is pick up the phone and tell Netanyahu that the U.S. will no longer defend, fund, arm or provide political cover to Israel if offensive operations continue— but Biden refuses to do it despite the displacement of approximately 1.4 million civilians, 35K dead, 78K maimed and injured, horrific atrocities and catastrophic destruction.
“In any event, the U.S. president has a great deal of leverage over Israel’s PM. More so than any other leader in the world. Remember when Ronald Reagan made one call to Netanyahu regarding Israel’s actions in Lebanon? One phone call is all it takes if the true intention of the U.S. president making the call is, in fact, to cause Israel to reverse course.”
It was a different time. And Israel didn’t leave because of Reagan, they had suffered its most serious casualties since the Yom Kippur War, and was already in retreat since the South Lebanon Army (its ally) had collapsed at the time.
And don’t even go there with Reagan. After Hezbollah bombed our Marine Barracks in Beirut and our Embassy, it was the US who left in disgrace. And instead of going after Hezbollah, Reagan invaded Grenada, a small island in the Caribbean.
And 30 years of Biden policy was no different than any other politician at the time. Biden may support Israel against your liking but Kushner is personal friends with Bibi. Bibi used to stay at Kushner’s family home in NJ when Bibi was the opposition leader.
Look what Trump did in office. He allowed Israel to annex the Golan Heights. He made Jerusalem Israel’s capital and allowed Netanyahu to implement its most draconian policies ever.
So go ahead and vote for a third party, or not at al, but do so at your own peril, because in the end, it’s democrats that are willing to help the Palestinians, not republicans.
Netanyahu doesn’t even solicit the support of most American Jews because his greatest champions in the US aren’t Jewish (outside of a few powerful billionaires); they’re the Evangelicals.
And the Evangelicals believe that Israel needs to control all of Judea and Samaria before the rapture occurs. Then both Jew and Muslim alike, are going to hell.
So good luck with that, you are digging your own grave..:)
I didn’t make any claims about Trump or Kushner, both of whom I consider to be ignorant, narcissistic sociopaths who only care about money and power, nor did I suggest I would sit out the next election or vote for a third party candidate.
I disagree, the Democrats aren’t “willing to help the Palestinians.” They say they are, but they’re not. And Biden certainly has no interest in helping them. Several who have worked closely with him for years have said that he listens to reports and intelligence but seldom expresses any interest in, or compassion for, how the Palestinians are treated or forced to live by Israel.
If the Democrats were serious about improving the lives of the Palestinian people, they’d have been diligently working toward implementing a two state solution or, at a minimum, improving relations between Israel and the PA during the past 25 years. They should have used a carrot and stick approach with Israel— up to and including major changes in U.S.-Israel policy. Instead, they’ve been sitting on their hands and, worse, supporting everything Israel has done with full knowledge that Netanyahu had no intention of ever agreeing to a two state solution and, in fact, was doing everything in his power, whether legal or illegal, to ensure that would never happen including, without limitation, stealing Palestinian land, building settlements at a record pace, paying Hamas obscene sums of money in order undermine and weaken the PA under the theory of divide and conquer.
The Democrats know that Israel is a lawless, anti-democratic state and Netanyahu is a corrupt, pathological liar who only cares about staying in power and out of prison, yet most of them fully embrace both at the expense of the Palestinian people. Actions speak louder than words.
“If the Democrats were serious about improving the lives of the Palestinian people, they’d have been diligently working toward implementing a two state solution or, at a minimum, improving relations between Israel and the PA during the past 25 years.”
Democrats tried and failed, both in the 90’s and in the early 2000’s. Somehow you believe that America alone can solve this issue, when it’s the two parties that have failed to arrive at an agreement.
I’m done trying to explain what happens when Trump wins and it will be people like you that will be the blame.
First off, you guys are on your own. Any sympathy that many of us with Experion life is gone. And when you get the government you deserve, you’ll get it good and hard.
And progress this country will have made will go back decades. Education, women reproductive rights. Freedoms as you know it, all gone.
So good luck with your protest. I’m sure your little movement will make all the difference. It won’t, except it could hand the presidency to Trump.
Remember Vietnam? The protests then dwarfed this movement, and guess what? The war didn’t end and it was an American War, not a foreign nation’s war.
It did put Nixon in the Whitehouse though, and he went on to expand the war further; for six more years.
In a nutshell, no one has done anything for the Palestinian people in two decades, and Biden and Trump are both bad— we shouldn’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils.
No we shouldn’t have to vote for the lessor of two evils, but you seem convinced Biden is evil, or even close to the evil Trump and his minions are about to unleash on the American people.
Vote your conscience, but do so at your own peril. These aren’t normal times. Let’s see how the peaceful protests look when Trump sends in the National Guard.
And that will be the beginning. Muslim Ban, free press obliterated. Women’s rights gone. Massive deportations of immigrants who aren’t white Nationalist Christians, etc….and ultimately, a government that will rule like a Christian version of Sharia Law.
Just remember, you and your generation will be responsible for your own dystopian future and demise. Expect no sympathy from the likes of my generation. You’re on your own.
I just hope you’re ready because none of the guardrails will be in place for Trump 2.0. And I’m not being facetious when I wish you luck, because I do; and you are going to need it….:)
I think Biden is blind to the evil threat that Israel represents to the region and the world. I’m not sure whether his blind spot is the result of his religious beliefs or a misguided notion that he must stand by a people who were once the subject of a genocide. Ordinarily, I would care what drives Biden’s actions because understanding why someone behaves the way they do is often instrumental in determining how to engage with the person. However, in this case, I don’t believe it matters. He’s an 80 year old white guy who is very unlikely to be persuaded to change course when it comes to Israel regardless of the consequences. In my opinion, anyone who knowingly, actively and unconditionally aids and abets a genocide or ethnic cleansing is evil. The fact that Biden may be less evil than Trump gives me no comfort. Again, we shouldn’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils. By the way, I suspect we are of the same generation but it’s clear we don’t view the world in the same way— which, of course, is fine. That makes for a good, interesting and enlightening exchange of ideas.
I’m glad you brought that up about Evangelical Christians belief that Israel must control all of Judea & Samaria so that the “Rapture” can occur. I only just learned that little tidbit about 6-8 months ago.
Do devout Catholics also hold that belief? If so, perhaps that, in addition to massive amounts of donations from AIPAC, colors his very favorable stance toward Israel.
I only recently heard Biden refer to himself as a Zionist & I was dismayed at that.
There have been some excellent comments on this article, I almost always learn something from reading them. I also wish the Israelis & Palestinians could just share the the entire area & share governance, but I realize that is likely a pipe dream.
It is so disheartening to think about all of the billions in aid that has been sent to Gaza over the years & knowing that probably a vast majority of it was spent building those 500 miles of concrete tunnels.
What kind of flourishing society could have been built with that money??
I have said that I am going to vote uncommitted in the *primary* to register my anger at Biden for not being tougher on Netanyahu, but will vote Biden in the general because we just cannot survive another Trump administration. The disaster of allowing more extremely conservative religious judges to get appointed to Federal lifetime positions is horrifying & will stymie any forward progress for decades.
Biden is not the leader of any country except for the USA. He can talk to other nations, send delegations of peace speakers, but in the end other nations are sovereign and do what they wish.
I don't think many people believe that. More like Netanyahu runs the US via AIPAC. He snaps his fingers and ol' Joe writes the checks. I hope he's been practicing writing his zeroes!
If you do not vote for Biden, and IF Trump wins, you will have your voice SILENCED. IF you are female you will be relegated, along with black and brown people, to the back of the bus. So, have your protests, peacefully, because today it is your right. However, when November comes THINK about what you are about to do - what you are giving up and how it will affect yourself and other around you.
"If you do not vote for Biden, and IF Trump wins, you will have your voice SILENCED"
For one thing you don't know that for sure and a scare tactic goes to show that your side does not have much to offer. Secondly, my voice is already being SILENCED. Have you noticed to what is happening in our schools, our work place? How many people have lost their jobs, their livelihood just because they raised their voice. So what you are scaring people of is already happening.
I don't know what your statement about "your side" is meant to purvey, but I would ask you how your voice has been silenced? I do know what is going on at my local schools and I'm proud of the brilliant minds that are being brought into society through graduation. With the mind-boggling number of new jobs that have been created recently, I venture to guess you are talking about people who corporations have dealt with. I am certain that some of them get away with dismissing people for unacceptable reasons, but except for during the former administration, "whistleblowers" have always been protected.
I was not attempting to scare anyone, but I did state the obvious. If you have time read the Project 2025 and the interview in the April 30, 2024, Times Magazine, you can get a glimpse of what is being planned should Biden not win reelection.
No, I am not talking about economy but silencing the critics of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We heard today that about 2500 students nation wide has been arrested for their peaceful protest. We know countless of journalist have been fired for questioning Israeli narrative of this war, Mehdi Hasan has been one of them who now you have joined his platform since his firing and the so many who have lost their job. In the Congress we saw passing a law supported by both parties that will criminalize any criticism of Israel. If these are not silencing our voices, I am not sure what it would be.
I fully understand what tRUMP stands for but I have also learned what Biden stands.
'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me'
The trouble with that, is who else are you going to vote for? The U.S. election system is rigged in favor of the two party system so the citizens are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The end is nigh for the empire of the United States.
That's the pickle a lot of us are in. Do we hold our noses and vote for Biden? I have rarely voted FOR a politician. I vote against them. But we have two very shitty choices this time.
A metaphor. I agree, they can run but the deck seems to be always stacked against them for power reasons. Now, if someone had enough millions to outspend the other two parties, they might stand a better chance but when have we ever seen that. Maybe we ought to change that given what the two parties are giving us for candidates?
Terrance: look at all other countries. It always seems to be a matter between the conservative and liberal way of thinking and values. The role of money is really the huge problem in terms of how campaigns operate. In the US it is such a long period that there is no way one can run it with no funds. I wish they would go to what the UK does by limiting it to six weeks.
When it comes to having another party to put forth a candidate, someone commented on a thread or in an article I read, that it takes a foundation being built. People have to start by electing people from that party to county commissioner, state representatives & senators, then to Federal offices. A third party is never going to win by just floating a candidate for the top spot, president, every 4 yrs. So, whether it’s the Green Party or another that you like better, you & those who join you have to learn to play the long game to achieve the prize; just like the anti abortion, anti Affirmative Action conservatives did over the last 40 years to get all the current district, appellate, & Supreme Court justices in place to get them the decisions they wanted.
And after you hold Biden responsible and help secure a Trump victory, then what? Do you think you will ever be in a position to hold Trump accountable?
The DOJ can’t even hold him accountable when democrats are in charge, yet you think you will have any rights left after Trump assumes office and destroys the Republic as we know it?
Good luck with that, and quite frankly you naïveté is going to backfire and all of us will pay, but especially our liberal youth.
And in the end, you will have no one else to blame but yourself. And don’t expect the rest of us to give a damn either!
If I am going to self sensor and not hold a genocide-enabler President accountable, then why would it matter if I am not going to be able to hold the next president accountable or not. By your logic, I do have that ability now and refuse to use it in the fear that I MIGHT not have the ability in the feature.
"and destroys the Republic as we know it" This by itself may be a worthy goal as "this republic as we know it" has been ever more so dysfunctional for the ordinary people and frankly, due to abuse of its power, for much of the world. So, it might be better to accelerate this decay of our system so it can be rebuilt better and sooner.
“It might be better to accelerate this decay of our system so it can be rebuilt better and sooner”. Do you have any idea of what you are speaking of? 100% lack of a realistic take…
“A fast and complete decay”? You clearly are a heartless, naive boy-man, without children or family to care about. And if you do they’re faith is misplaced citizen. Revolution and chaos sound great to the young and the idealist and the incel adjacent chest thumping glory seeker, but this type is the enemy of civilization and of humanity at the end of the day, and the enemy of a unified working class people. Since the time Thucydides first wrote up his account of the Peloponnesian War NO ONE who can read can say they haven’t been warned about what civil war and prolonged violent social conflict does to reduce men and women and their behavior to include the most disgusting, vile and depraved acts and policies. THAT is what your stupid suggestion advocates for. Go read it. Thucydides is restrained in his description but simply take the simple descriptive words at their literal meaning and just imagine for yourself what they describe. Horrific. Years of it. So people who think like you are dangerous enemies of the rest of us, who want to achieve goals … not tear each other apart in the name of some distant goal.
The ideal path forward is never to be found in violent palingenesis. Alliance is nuanced and requires patience with firm commitment to values and to a group sometimes larger and more varied than just that which your single issue focus might indicate. Anyone that advocates for the rapid decay into chaos of the society in which I LIVE in order to further the agenda of a place in which I DO NOT LIVE is no friend of mine. You’re foolish enough to bring deeper misfortune upon yourself here, and by doing so risk my children and ME, an otherwise committed ally to your cause thanks only to your zeal? Think again citizen. Enlarge your view and perhaps you might yet achieve the goal you seek. But lashing out at whomever happens to be prominent and nearby to you when you’re feeling vexed is … well … childish. Better grow up and consider the situation in its complexity before using what power you do have, if you’re to use it effectively.
“In a terse, one-page letter obtained exclusively by Zeteo, and signed by 12 GOP senators, including Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Florida’s Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz of Texas, Khan is informed that any attempt by the ICC to hold Netanyahu and his colleagues to account for their actions in Gaza will be interpreted “not only as a threat to Israel’s sovereignty but to the sovereignty of the United States.”
Move along folks, nothing to see here. These imbeciles are “All Pomp, and No Circumstance!” Last I checked, Biden is President and democrats control the senate.
These shenanigans are more reason the protesting college students need to rethink their positions against Biden, since a Trump win, and republicans retaking the senate, will have dire consequences for the US and world.
And consider what happens to the courts should Trump win and republicans retake the senate? Trump will secure a Republican fascist court for the next four decades, and also control every circuit and district court in the country.
They will rule by judicial fiat, regardless of whether democrats ever take over the executive branch and Congress. Any major legislation will be tied up in the courts for years, even after the presidency is over. Let that sink in.
What’s happening in Gaza is atrocious, but a Trump presidency will mean far worse things to come for all of us. Register and Vote Blue down the ticket in November; our lives depend on it!…:)
Can you point to a single act by Joenocide Biden that has actually resulted in some behavior changes in this genocide?
I am fully committed to hold Joenocide Biden and all Congressmen/women accountable next Nov for their complicity in this genocide.
When did Biden become president of Israel???
He is not a president of Israel, he is a puppet of Israel
Well, at least you have a marginal sense of reality, eh? Lol
No, it’s just you believe Presidents have more power than they do. They are responsible for holding international coalitions together, for which Israel is a major player in the region.
You need to get off your high horse because it’s childish. As Benjamin Disraeli (PM of Britain in 1860) said, “Countries have no friends, only interests.”
Don’t honestly believe any country when it believes its survival is at stake, will ever submit to another’s ultimatums?
Look no further than Ukraine. We convinced them to give up all 20k nukes (third largest stockpile in the world at the time) after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1993 (Bucharest Memorandum); with Russia, France, Britain and China as signatories. It guaranteed Ukraine’s sovereignty over its existing territory.
They agreed, and look at them now? In America, we have elections every four years for President; they are renters, not owners of the Whitehouse.
Every country in the world knows that the next administration could rip up an agreement, or negate treaties negotiated by the previous administration. See Trump and the JCPOA, NAFTA, Paris Accords, etc…
So please wake up and understand what’s truly at stake with this election.
I would not know where to start with your many fallacies.
"Presidents have more power than they do. They are responsible for holding international coalitions together"
No, Presidents are responsible to up hold the rule of law and as for the international coalition go, multiple UN votes have proven where the International community stand and the US is the only one opposing their will.
"As Benjamin Disraeli (PM of Britain in 1860) said, “Countries have no friends, only interests.”"
Only a Zionist will argue that complicity in a genocide is in the interest of the USA.
"Don’t honestly believe any country when it believes its survival is at stake, will ever submit to another’s ultimatums?" Yet another Zionist/AIPAC propaganda that the survival of Israel is at stack. The only thing in reality that is at stack is the continuation of an illegal OCCUPATION.
"Every country in the world knows that the next administration could rip up an agreement, or negate treaties negotiated by the previous administration. See Trump and the JCPOA, NAFTA, Paris Accords"
Again by your own notion, you have proven that this system that we have been operating under has been unreliable and untrustworthy since it is only good for 4 years. Not to mention that the system has become so corrupt that is hard to tell apart a Democrat from a Republican.
What world do you live in? Biden doesn’t want a genocide, but countries are only willing to commit so much to a cause, unless it includes a national interest.
We didn’t defend the Tutsi’s in Rwanda from the Hutu’s in the mid 90’s because we didn’t have a national interest to do so; allowing the slaughter of almost a million people in six months. It’s called realpolitik. It may not be right, but it’s reality.
And really? You don’t want to support a genocidal country? Are you on TikTok? Do you buy Chinese goods from Amazon or any American company? Because guess what? Most of our goods are produce in China and China is committing a genocide against their own people.
Have you Ever heard of the Uyghurs? There’s a genocide occurring as we speak by the Chinese.
Have you been to Myanmar (formally Burma)? Guess what? A genocide has been happening for over a decade. Where in the world or UN for that matter?
How about the 500k massacred in Ukraine by an invading Russian force? Nothing? Or how about when Assad killed over 500k Syrian’s during the Arab Spring? What’s a matter? Nothing? No outrage?
How about Durfur? There is a genocide taking place right now: where’s your outrage? These people are Muslim too. How about Yemen? Are you boycotting Iran or the Saudi’s or UAE? I didn’t think so, just the Jewish state of Israel.
Get back to me when you show the same outrage for the people of these countries as you do for the Palestinians. Except you won’t, and don’t. It’s all about the filthy Zionist Jews with you.
Good luck with your faux outrage for one of many wars that have brought famine, pestilence and death to so many people across several continents. You’ll neeed it!
So well stated…
Your gaslighting and whataboutism has not gone unnoticed.
"Biden doesn’t want a genocide" If that truly was the case, he would have ended when the genocidal intent was announced by the Zionist Israelis. Everyone including the Zionist know that this genocide would not have been possible without the USA and that makes Joenocide Biden accomplice to it. Now go talk about TikTok, China and Planet Mars, but none of that will change this fact.
Free Palestine from the River to the Sea from this evil OCCUPATION of Zionist
Free USA from the Atlantic to the Pacific from this evil control of Zionist/AIPAC
Not gaslighting or using whataboutism. Just showing what a hypocrite you are. Thanks for proving my point!
You are either suffering from multiple personality disorder or extreme case of amnesia since you don't remember what you just wrote.
In any case, you seem to be a closeted Zionist and if so, I refuse to engage with them as they are no better than NOT-Z and there is no point arguing with that type of mindset.
Figuratively, approximately 30 years ago. Please review Biden’s extensive political record.
During his career, he has often prioritized the interests of Israel ahead of the interests of the U.S., notwithstanding the fact that there was no “upside” for the U.S. or Middle East peace and his decision to do so often put Americans around the world in unnecessary danger or caused them to be killed. The current conflict is a case in point— three Americans are confirmed dead and it’s believed that five are still being held hostage.
In any event, the U.S. president has a great deal of leverage over Israel’s PM. More so than any other leader in the world. Remember when Ronald Reagan made one call to Netanyahu regarding Israel’s actions in Lebanon? One phone call is all it takes if the true intention of the U.S. president making the call is, in fact, to cause Israel to reverse course.
The U.S. provides Israel with nearly $4 billion in aid every year and tens of billions every time Israel takes extended military action against one of its neighbors— just two weeks ago, the U.S. approved $26 billion in aid to Israel. In addition, the U.S. regularly provides Israel with political cover at the U.N., through the exercise of its UNSC veto power— which it has used 46 out of 85 times to block resolutions critical of, or unfavorable to, Israel. And, at times, the U.S. did so when Israel was in clear violation of international law.
All Biden has to do in order to force Israel to reverse course is pick up the phone and tell Netanyahu that the U.S. will no longer defend, fund, arm or provide political cover to Israel if offensive operations continue— but Biden refuses to do it despite the displacement of approximately 1.4 million civilians, 35K dead, 78K maimed and injured, horrific atrocities and catastrophic destruction.
“In any event, the U.S. president has a great deal of leverage over Israel’s PM. More so than any other leader in the world. Remember when Ronald Reagan made one call to Netanyahu regarding Israel’s actions in Lebanon? One phone call is all it takes if the true intention of the U.S. president making the call is, in fact, to cause Israel to reverse course.”
It was a different time. And Israel didn’t leave because of Reagan, they had suffered its most serious casualties since the Yom Kippur War, and was already in retreat since the South Lebanon Army (its ally) had collapsed at the time.
And don’t even go there with Reagan. After Hezbollah bombed our Marine Barracks in Beirut and our Embassy, it was the US who left in disgrace. And instead of going after Hezbollah, Reagan invaded Grenada, a small island in the Caribbean.
And 30 years of Biden policy was no different than any other politician at the time. Biden may support Israel against your liking but Kushner is personal friends with Bibi. Bibi used to stay at Kushner’s family home in NJ when Bibi was the opposition leader.
Look what Trump did in office. He allowed Israel to annex the Golan Heights. He made Jerusalem Israel’s capital and allowed Netanyahu to implement its most draconian policies ever.
So go ahead and vote for a third party, or not at al, but do so at your own peril, because in the end, it’s democrats that are willing to help the Palestinians, not republicans.
Netanyahu doesn’t even solicit the support of most American Jews because his greatest champions in the US aren’t Jewish (outside of a few powerful billionaires); they’re the Evangelicals.
And the Evangelicals believe that Israel needs to control all of Judea and Samaria before the rapture occurs. Then both Jew and Muslim alike, are going to hell.
So good luck with that, you are digging your own grave..:)
I didn’t make any claims about Trump or Kushner, both of whom I consider to be ignorant, narcissistic sociopaths who only care about money and power, nor did I suggest I would sit out the next election or vote for a third party candidate.
I disagree, the Democrats aren’t “willing to help the Palestinians.” They say they are, but they’re not. And Biden certainly has no interest in helping them. Several who have worked closely with him for years have said that he listens to reports and intelligence but seldom expresses any interest in, or compassion for, how the Palestinians are treated or forced to live by Israel.
If the Democrats were serious about improving the lives of the Palestinian people, they’d have been diligently working toward implementing a two state solution or, at a minimum, improving relations between Israel and the PA during the past 25 years. They should have used a carrot and stick approach with Israel— up to and including major changes in U.S.-Israel policy. Instead, they’ve been sitting on their hands and, worse, supporting everything Israel has done with full knowledge that Netanyahu had no intention of ever agreeing to a two state solution and, in fact, was doing everything in his power, whether legal or illegal, to ensure that would never happen including, without limitation, stealing Palestinian land, building settlements at a record pace, paying Hamas obscene sums of money in order undermine and weaken the PA under the theory of divide and conquer.
The Democrats know that Israel is a lawless, anti-democratic state and Netanyahu is a corrupt, pathological liar who only cares about staying in power and out of prison, yet most of them fully embrace both at the expense of the Palestinian people. Actions speak louder than words.
“If the Democrats were serious about improving the lives of the Palestinian people, they’d have been diligently working toward implementing a two state solution or, at a minimum, improving relations between Israel and the PA during the past 25 years.”
Democrats tried and failed, both in the 90’s and in the early 2000’s. Somehow you believe that America alone can solve this issue, when it’s the two parties that have failed to arrive at an agreement.
I’m done trying to explain what happens when Trump wins and it will be people like you that will be the blame.
First off, you guys are on your own. Any sympathy that many of us with Experion life is gone. And when you get the government you deserve, you’ll get it good and hard.
And progress this country will have made will go back decades. Education, women reproductive rights. Freedoms as you know it, all gone.
So good luck with your protest. I’m sure your little movement will make all the difference. It won’t, except it could hand the presidency to Trump.
Remember Vietnam? The protests then dwarfed this movement, and guess what? The war didn’t end and it was an American War, not a foreign nation’s war.
It did put Nixon in the Whitehouse though, and he went on to expand the war further; for six more years.
In a nutshell, no one has done anything for the Palestinian people in two decades, and Biden and Trump are both bad— we shouldn’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils.
No we shouldn’t have to vote for the lessor of two evils, but you seem convinced Biden is evil, or even close to the evil Trump and his minions are about to unleash on the American people.
Vote your conscience, but do so at your own peril. These aren’t normal times. Let’s see how the peaceful protests look when Trump sends in the National Guard.
And that will be the beginning. Muslim Ban, free press obliterated. Women’s rights gone. Massive deportations of immigrants who aren’t white Nationalist Christians, etc….and ultimately, a government that will rule like a Christian version of Sharia Law.
Just remember, you and your generation will be responsible for your own dystopian future and demise. Expect no sympathy from the likes of my generation. You’re on your own.
I just hope you’re ready because none of the guardrails will be in place for Trump 2.0. And I’m not being facetious when I wish you luck, because I do; and you are going to need it….:)
I think Biden is blind to the evil threat that Israel represents to the region and the world. I’m not sure whether his blind spot is the result of his religious beliefs or a misguided notion that he must stand by a people who were once the subject of a genocide. Ordinarily, I would care what drives Biden’s actions because understanding why someone behaves the way they do is often instrumental in determining how to engage with the person. However, in this case, I don’t believe it matters. He’s an 80 year old white guy who is very unlikely to be persuaded to change course when it comes to Israel regardless of the consequences. In my opinion, anyone who knowingly, actively and unconditionally aids and abets a genocide or ethnic cleansing is evil. The fact that Biden may be less evil than Trump gives me no comfort. Again, we shouldn’t have to vote for the lesser of two evils. By the way, I suspect we are of the same generation but it’s clear we don’t view the world in the same way— which, of course, is fine. That makes for a good, interesting and enlightening exchange of ideas.
I’m glad you brought that up about Evangelical Christians belief that Israel must control all of Judea & Samaria so that the “Rapture” can occur. I only just learned that little tidbit about 6-8 months ago.
Do devout Catholics also hold that belief? If so, perhaps that, in addition to massive amounts of donations from AIPAC, colors his very favorable stance toward Israel.
I only recently heard Biden refer to himself as a Zionist & I was dismayed at that.
There have been some excellent comments on this article, I almost always learn something from reading them. I also wish the Israelis & Palestinians could just share the the entire area & share governance, but I realize that is likely a pipe dream.
It is so disheartening to think about all of the billions in aid that has been sent to Gaza over the years & knowing that probably a vast majority of it was spent building those 500 miles of concrete tunnels.
What kind of flourishing society could have been built with that money??
I have said that I am going to vote uncommitted in the *primary* to register my anger at Biden for not being tougher on Netanyahu, but will vote Biden in the general because we just cannot survive another Trump administration. The disaster of allowing more extremely conservative religious judges to get appointed to Federal lifetime positions is horrifying & will stymie any forward progress for decades.
We just can’t let that happen.
Biden is not the leader of any country except for the USA. He can talk to other nations, send delegations of peace speakers, but in the end other nations are sovereign and do what they wish.
I don't think many people believe that. More like Netanyahu runs the US via AIPAC. He snaps his fingers and ol' Joe writes the checks. I hope he's been practicing writing his zeroes!
If you do not vote for Biden, and IF Trump wins, you will have your voice SILENCED. IF you are female you will be relegated, along with black and brown people, to the back of the bus. So, have your protests, peacefully, because today it is your right. However, when November comes THINK about what you are about to do - what you are giving up and how it will affect yourself and other around you.
"If you do not vote for Biden, and IF Trump wins, you will have your voice SILENCED"
For one thing you don't know that for sure and a scare tactic goes to show that your side does not have much to offer. Secondly, my voice is already being SILENCED. Have you noticed to what is happening in our schools, our work place? How many people have lost their jobs, their livelihood just because they raised their voice. So what you are scaring people of is already happening.
I don't know what your statement about "your side" is meant to purvey, but I would ask you how your voice has been silenced? I do know what is going on at my local schools and I'm proud of the brilliant minds that are being brought into society through graduation. With the mind-boggling number of new jobs that have been created recently, I venture to guess you are talking about people who corporations have dealt with. I am certain that some of them get away with dismissing people for unacceptable reasons, but except for during the former administration, "whistleblowers" have always been protected.
I was not attempting to scare anyone, but I did state the obvious. If you have time read the Project 2025 and the interview in the April 30, 2024, Times Magazine, you can get a glimpse of what is being planned should Biden not win reelection.
No, I am not talking about economy but silencing the critics of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. We heard today that about 2500 students nation wide has been arrested for their peaceful protest. We know countless of journalist have been fired for questioning Israeli narrative of this war, Mehdi Hasan has been one of them who now you have joined his platform since his firing and the so many who have lost their job. In the Congress we saw passing a law supported by both parties that will criminalize any criticism of Israel. If these are not silencing our voices, I am not sure what it would be.
I fully understand what tRUMP stands for but I have also learned what Biden stands.
'Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me'
The trouble with that, is who else are you going to vote for? The U.S. election system is rigged in favor of the two party system so the citizens are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The end is nigh for the empire of the United States.
That's the pickle a lot of us are in. Do we hold our noses and vote for Biden? I have rarely voted FOR a politician. I vote against them. But we have two very shitty choices this time.
It is not “rigged” - third party candidates always run but have not been popular.
A metaphor. I agree, they can run but the deck seems to be always stacked against them for power reasons. Now, if someone had enough millions to outspend the other two parties, they might stand a better chance but when have we ever seen that. Maybe we ought to change that given what the two parties are giving us for candidates?
Terrance: look at all other countries. It always seems to be a matter between the conservative and liberal way of thinking and values. The role of money is really the huge problem in terms of how campaigns operate. In the US it is such a long period that there is no way one can run it with no funds. I wish they would go to what the UK does by limiting it to six weeks.
I wish that too my friend. So do a lot of us here.
"The U.S. election system is rigged in favor of the two party system "
If you truly believe that, which I do, any vote in this system is a vote to legitimize it.
If my only choices are these two corrupt party, then for the first time I will refuse to participate to help legitimizing it.
Delusion to think you legitimize it by not voting. You are supporting trump that way.
You are entitled to your opinion.
So are you. But facts speak for themselves. Voting is a civic responsibility which one assumes if one lives in a society.
When it comes to having another party to put forth a candidate, someone commented on a thread or in an article I read, that it takes a foundation being built. People have to start by electing people from that party to county commissioner, state representatives & senators, then to Federal offices. A third party is never going to win by just floating a candidate for the top spot, president, every 4 yrs. So, whether it’s the Green Party or another that you like better, you & those who join you have to learn to play the long game to achieve the prize; just like the anti abortion, anti Affirmative Action conservatives did over the last 40 years to get all the current district, appellate, & Supreme Court justices in place to get them the decisions they wanted.
And after you hold Biden responsible and help secure a Trump victory, then what? Do you think you will ever be in a position to hold Trump accountable?
The DOJ can’t even hold him accountable when democrats are in charge, yet you think you will have any rights left after Trump assumes office and destroys the Republic as we know it?
Good luck with that, and quite frankly you naïveté is going to backfire and all of us will pay, but especially our liberal youth.
And in the end, you will have no one else to blame but yourself. And don’t expect the rest of us to give a damn either!
If I am going to self sensor and not hold a genocide-enabler President accountable, then why would it matter if I am not going to be able to hold the next president accountable or not. By your logic, I do have that ability now and refuse to use it in the fear that I MIGHT not have the ability in the feature.
"and destroys the Republic as we know it" This by itself may be a worthy goal as "this republic as we know it" has been ever more so dysfunctional for the ordinary people and frankly, due to abuse of its power, for much of the world. So, it might be better to accelerate this decay of our system so it can be rebuilt better and sooner.
“It might be better to accelerate this decay of our system so it can be rebuilt better and sooner”. Do you have any idea of what you are speaking of? 100% lack of a realistic take…
It might be unrealistic but I believe it is patriotic.
“A fast and complete decay”? You clearly are a heartless, naive boy-man, without children or family to care about. And if you do they’re faith is misplaced citizen. Revolution and chaos sound great to the young and the idealist and the incel adjacent chest thumping glory seeker, but this type is the enemy of civilization and of humanity at the end of the day, and the enemy of a unified working class people. Since the time Thucydides first wrote up his account of the Peloponnesian War NO ONE who can read can say they haven’t been warned about what civil war and prolonged violent social conflict does to reduce men and women and their behavior to include the most disgusting, vile and depraved acts and policies. THAT is what your stupid suggestion advocates for. Go read it. Thucydides is restrained in his description but simply take the simple descriptive words at their literal meaning and just imagine for yourself what they describe. Horrific. Years of it. So people who think like you are dangerous enemies of the rest of us, who want to achieve goals … not tear each other apart in the name of some distant goal.
The ideal path forward is never to be found in violent palingenesis. Alliance is nuanced and requires patience with firm commitment to values and to a group sometimes larger and more varied than just that which your single issue focus might indicate. Anyone that advocates for the rapid decay into chaos of the society in which I LIVE in order to further the agenda of a place in which I DO NOT LIVE is no friend of mine. You’re foolish enough to bring deeper misfortune upon yourself here, and by doing so risk my children and ME, an otherwise committed ally to your cause thanks only to your zeal? Think again citizen. Enlarge your view and perhaps you might yet achieve the goal you seek. But lashing out at whomever happens to be prominent and nearby to you when you’re feeling vexed is … well … childish. Better grow up and consider the situation in its complexity before using what power you do have, if you’re to use it effectively.
A long rant to blame me instead of those who are actually causing the decay. Very heartful, smart and sophisticated man-man you are.
P.S. I did not bother to read pass this rant.