15,694 children have been killed and 17,000 are without parents after 8 months of Israel’s war on Gaza, let that sink in

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Based on this the US media propaganda is definitely winning. Positioning Netanyhau as a scapegoat and allowing Biden off the hook.

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Great insight! Biden should in no way be let off the hook. He is as responsible as Netanyahu.

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Why not both?

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Jun 12·edited Jun 13

Thanks in great part to the US student movement that exposed Israel's Apartheid. And they are NOT done yet.

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It is really remarkable how public opinion on Israel has shifted, I give the student protesters most of the credit for that.

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Alternative title: "U.S. Voters Smarter Than Average 'Blame Biden' Zeteo Commenter"

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More Amer.anti-Palestinian Republicans are for continuing Israel's war regardless of Palestinian casualties. They have no real idea of the plight of the long-term Gaza refugees, the aparteid residents of the West Bank & E. Jerusalem, or the 2nd class segregated Israeli Arabs. Pathetic. Most Amer. have no moral/historic clue.

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This is all well and good but the proof is in the pudding. I will believe there is a ceasefire when Al Jazeera reports that the IDF is gone from Gaza and the West bank and massive amounts of aid comes pouring in. Until then, all of this is words in the wind.

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Democrats and Republicans think and act like voters aren't really paying attention. So this better be another wake up call - hey, you crazy lunatics, we ARE paying attention. Get the ceasefire done. Most people don't want to be told that we're murdering Palestinians left and right, regardless of whose fault it is. Most people have what is called "number sense" in elementary math education - one of its principles is simply that you know that number sequencing starts at 0, then 1, then 2, then 3, etc., and that 35,000 is bigger than 1,200. Defiance of elementary math is just a ludicrous thing to hang your reputation on. But sure, we see it. We see it.

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Thank you for this timely information. Wish that the tactic of stricter expectations had been involved from the beginning. It is shameful that human costs seem to be the last factor considered when it comes to such negotiations. Additionally, sometimes we absolutely fail when it comes to walking in another group's shoes.

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i'll put on my data scientist hat and say the way the graphs are laid out shows an inherent bias minimizing the blame Israeli society must take for the lack of a cease fire.

1st graph hypothesis: Is Nethanyahu an obstacle to peace?

The real spectrum should be in the following order:

- A major obstacle

- A moderate obstacle

- A minor obstacle

- Not an obstacle at all

- Don't know

basically "don't know" cannot be equated to a centrist position so should really be excluded by moving it to the right.

"minor obstacle" cannot be shown to appear to the right of center position, makes it hard to do the math when looking at the graph.

So once you realign the bars, the answer is an overwhelming yes, Nehtanyahu is an obstacle to peace.

3rd Graph Hypothesis: Where does the blame lie for a lack of cease fire?

You can't equate Nethanyahu as being the person solely responsible for the cease fire. Firstly there is the war cabinet to account for, the ruling coalition, the Knesset and the Israeli society as whole since Israel is a democracy (or so they claim).

So why is it a single person on the left site and all of Hamas on the right.

Wouldn't it be more accurate to say

Israeli society on one side or Hamas on the other.

Secondarily, if the Palestinians are acting in self defense, is this even a valid question. By the inherent aggression that Israeli society is showing in the conflict, and their superiority in fire power does the opposing party even have a choice in the matter?

So the 3rd graph is irrelevant, because the preponderance of the evidence is that this is an Israeli society initiated aggression and the Palestinians have little to no choice in the question, so all the blame lies with Israel. Israel is the only party that had a choice, so all the blame for continued violence lies with them. Defending your children, family, friends and people is a fundamental human right - an outright murder to steal another people's land is not.

As I said in the opening of this comment, the graphs are biased as are they survey questions to minimize the culpability of Israeli society for the events in Gaza.

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Thank you very much for this great article that explains a lot and goes against Biden administration and Blinken gaslighting.

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True analysis!

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Biden and Netanyahu both have reasons for extending the war.

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Do you think Americans polled really know so much that their opinions are meaningful? Half of Americans also believe that Donald Trump ought to be President.

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Suppose I do a poll where I ask American voters whether they think climate change is real. Do I do this because American voters are experts on climate? Of course not, I ask scientists if I have questions about the science, but I ask the voters if I want to see how far the science has penetrated into the thick skulls of the voters, which is an important thing to know.

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You are right. The poll shows what has penetrated into the people’s minds. But that’s it. Which side has succeeded with its messaging/propaganda. It doesn’t mean that they are right in their opinions. Polls can show the depth of ignorance.

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If you had told me on 10/8/2023 that less than a year later American voters would blame Israel and Hamas equally for the war, I would have thought you were crazy. It's really incredible, the turnaround in US public opinion engineered by one Benjamin Netanyahu.

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I think you miss my point. I don’t disagree with the opinions on Netanyahu. I am simply making the point that polls of the general public don’t give validity to the correctness or incorrectness of public view.

Polls and elections can reveal bias and stupidity. They often show the success of propaganda and appealing to people’s worse instincts, such as fear. The worldwide success of right wing parties and fear of immigrants, the polls that show Americans believe crime is rising, etc. tell us what people think, but not what the reality is.

The result of polls is often as not more work on messaging, including putting out disinformation, than changes in policy.

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Well, it's not complicated, when the public agrees with me, they're right. When they disagree with me, they're wrong.

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