Some reporter needs to have the energy to demand Harris answer if she agrees with this,,, which she likely does but it would be a very bad look for her. Force her to talk beyond ceasefire now and get into US continuing support in practice, WITH OUR MONEY, for the Israeli genocide of Gaza
Exactly! I heard something recently like "now is the time to demand action. Before they get our votes; because they obviously won't do anything when they're already in power"
I'm sure that Harris will have her own approach to this issue. It's not like she's a carbon copy of Joe. She has already expressed more sympathy for and consideration of Palestinians than Joe ever has, and a commitment to a cease fire (and a "two state solution"). But actions speak louder so let's see what happens.
But the issue is taking money from the Zionist funder machine…@AIPAC, Biden took the most in history… please Google who receives AIPAC funding, then cry your heart out.. every single Dem with the exception of a few in Michigan. Literally.
AIPAC spends a ton of money ousting Dems that don’t agree with their position. Other presidents have been unable to counter their influence in Congress.
I doubt Harris agrees with this. She's a person from Berkeley, CA--which is where I am from, too. She's the age of my kids and the social atmosphere in Berkeley in the 1970s was not stupid or imperialist. She's got to keep her inner views private in order to get in a position to do something--which she has masterfully done. If that entailed appeasing somebody like Willie Brown to get patronage, she manfully did so. I believe Kamala is as radical and sweet and intelligent as I am, and as inwardly consistent, too--but that's alway so tricky most of us only approximate our best hopes, especially if we negotiate the 'system' as she's doing. Don't smear her with 'they're all the same' projections. No, they aren't. I think Harris is a big step up from Obama, for example, who was much more superficial and pretty sold out.
The position of president is not to call all the shots or make all the decisions. In the US, every president we’ve ever had was largely decorative. They work for Big Business and the military industry, either directly through meetings with their corporate sponsors, or slightly less directly through “think tanks” and advisors who are literally on the payroll of big companies like Raytheon, as one example, who managed to get one of their board members the job of Secretary of “Defense”. That’s right, Lloyd Austin came directly from the board of a company that is making all time record profits from the ongoing genocide in Palestine, among many, many other places where the US is arming and funding atrocities against innocent people. If you really read our history, it’s what we do best. Long, very expensive and usually unwinnable wars that drag in for decades, impoverish the working class and further enrich the already wealthy.
Harris will be no different. I can promise you 100% that nothing will really change in our foreign policy because capitalism, much like cancer, requires constant growth to survive and the US is the worlds largest weapons dealer by a factor of several times more than any other.
This comment shifts the focus to where it belongs. It is not possible to launch this level of discussion on 'main stream' media because we can't as a culture. You and I and other people can see this but media is part of the structure which depends, for funding, on 'not biting the hands that feed it.' Illustrations abound. Medhi is one of many who've been offered the carrot and then punished with the stick, as reporters. The power to ruin careers can't be minimized. The 'squad' politicians who were put out by means of APAC are likewise illustrations of this censorship--and not lost on those who see these examples of 'this can happen to you.'
Both examples (media complicity and US financial advantages from war) pivot on the same axes that works in all our lives. Where our morals collide with our safety or our profits (advantages). Walking our talk is hard.
The other important and central walk-away for me is an extraction & Always MoRe based economy on a finite planet is not sustainable. We in the U.S. are the Big Brother of world capitalism, but I feel both that it can’t hold up and that this is not going to be a soft landing.
I really want to believe what you say. But the circumstance calls for timely input, children and countless innocent lives are being destroyed. She must speak against this genocide NOW. Totally hear you on Obama.... he promised to close Guantanimo(SP?). The DNC should have let the Senator from Georgia speak.
On the notion of timeliness … how timely is this violent war against Gaza? Whose hands feel tied?
On the eve of the U.S. big spend holiday.
On the crest of an election year (where the race is so close) . Where Harris herself says more or less ‘make an issue of this, we lose to Trump’.
An ally brutally overwhelms a neighboring territory slaughtering thousands and destroying all infrastructure. While we send more weapons and defend them loudly at home and abroad, literally blocking the international institutions we put in place to stop this from ever happening again?
If so, is the race just too close for a fight amongst ourselves? (Dems) or is her silence (and Biden’s complicity) something about a critical InVeStMeNt and need for Israel to actually take power… or what?
I am so uncomfortable with the “you are throwing the race to Trump” argument. It is not about our race, it is about the human race, and international law, and the innocent.
What are they so afraid of? What does complicity hide? I can’t help but think Israel would not get away with this did it not happen on the must-spend eve of Christmas and an election year. Someone tell me the guts of this!
It's really centuries old. We're born, biologically parts of our parents until our first breath, as a mammal, a life form that's part of life's web. It's a shock to think we are separate, not sustainable really, since we'd die if we weren't fed and cared for by others. But our survival instincts rooted in us, individually, focus on what we are experiencing, not the 'big picture.' A hungry baby doesn't think beyond the next sip of milk. In healthy tribes, the connectedness is affirmed by the care, the satisfaction of needs we experience. Where that is interrupted, threatened--as in famine, war, poverty--whole tribes cease to have the baseline of security and THE IDEA that we're 'on our own' becomes what we believe. This isn't true, in the large sense, but whole tribes come to believe it is an 'us against them' world; individuals do, too, and they act on this. When defensiveness 'takes over' we feel insecure and we thrash about in our minds for 'solutions'--almost always at someone's loss--but the core problem is within us, within our tribe, too, if our belief system is set up to foster 'us against them' is a necessary part of being alive. I am speaking to your 'gut' because that sense of connectedness we are born with 'remembers' this. It starts out as a truth, a fact of how we are created within another person and cared for as helpless infants. Inborn security that's been lost, suppressed by various circumstances, but this sense of connectedness is what we 'are after' reclaiming. It still exists, as a 'big picture' reality we are part of, down through time/space. So if we reclaim this larger reality, we regain this sense, the feeling of wholeness. It is true, undeniable if we take a large view. This is intact in a genuinely 'normal' person, not stripped away by Adverse (Childhood-Adult-Societal) Experiences, but 'normal' security and care have been threatened to such an extent in most of us post WWII (Atom Bomb threat) that it is harder and harder for us to 'reconnect' with this 'normal' state of being safe and unthreatened parts of the life flow. What we call 'recovery' is getting back to this state of 'big picture' security by clearing out the trauma and anchoring a 'large view.' is a platform that uses 12-Steps, shorn of their 'religious' bullshit, to anchor this biologically conforming reality and get back one's power.
That's like sticking a finger soaked in chilli oil into a Palestinian kid's eye, that is, his only remaining eye!! What is this sick love for Israel? Have we not an iota of decency? Is that why Biden is walking around like a zombie burdened with the blood, torn flesh & decapitated bodies of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank? What else can I say?
Nearly all politicians are sociopaths or psychopaths to some degree, especially those that have enough sociopathic drive for power to get them into the White House.
All they care about is power and $$$ and the Israeli lobby holds the key to both.
When your friends/advisors (like Blinken) come from families of Holocaust survivors, you’re never ALLOWED to think kindly of a Palestinian. It’s politically incorrect (suicidal) to speak poorly of a Jew or Israel (but not a Muslim or Palestinian)
More Palestinian voices are needed in Congress & the media. More money is needed to attack Zionist apologists.
The US-Backed Israel has been able to carry out this genocide ONLY due to "unconditional support" by the Joenocide Biden administration and the Israeli congress in Washington. We had heard of unsupported allegations about the beheaded babies and systematic rape from the US-Backed Israel and yet we have seen the actual proof of beheaded babies and systematic rape by the IOF.
It is important to remember that a tactic of Israel seems to be broadcasting horrendous acts without substantiation. That’s how they got UNWRA UN-funded.
The media is all saying Hamas killed these 6 hostages because blah blah blah. Where’s the intel? It’s coming from Israel. No one else can report from inside. There are no witnesses and no documentation.
President Biden is an international terrorist. I’m sorry if that offends anyone. But he has for ten months continued to arm Israel, even against US law. This empty shell should be removed from office. He’s taking the world forward to WWIII. And all the hoopla about Harris is rapidly deflating to the current status quo. Won’t commit to an arms embargo. Continuing with the “Israel has the right to defend itself “ narrative. Genocide is not a defensive act. And a shout out to Medhi for his assistance in putting her out there as the way forward. There should have been an open convention. How is her being anointed the candidate a democratic process? I’m 68. Never voted third party. Unless something changes I will not give my support to a party blindly endorsing genocide. How is that the lesser of two evils. Can’t get any more evil than this. Oh, and Biden is supposed to be campaigning for the Harris/Walz ticket. Get the picture?
Biden is a second-rate mind, a follower, thus an imperialist as a 'go with the flow' creature, and that been the case since he went into politics as a career. It is the greedy imperialist that use this kind of second-rate critter that we need to dispossess. Tax billionaires out of existence; break up foundations and pacs that fund 'think tanks' to train and manipulate these kinds of policies. It is like swatting flies to go after people like Biden and Reagan, and even Trump. The manipulation is intended to keep people like ourselves distracted and busy in petty goals. The imperialists are what William Burroughs called 'giant fur-armed insects that run the world,' and that was his family he was describing! Biden is mediocre and small, weak and doing his best to sneak by--and those sorts of people believe we are all like that, which is a mistake. We aren't.
Other than Reagan, who used the power of American arms several times to influence Israeli war policy, at different points ordering warplanes and cluster munitions to be delayed or withheld, every other President sold his soul to the Zionists. However, when it came to recognizing and pushing for a two state solution, Reagan was another loser. He would not support a two state solution.
It’s disgusting that Biden et al are bowing to the Israeli lobbyists. We know they spent millions $ to unseat Cori Bush. To think that a black politician is taking money from the Israeli lobby to do their dirty work so that the US Govt will send billions to Israel so
That they can kill more Palestinians. Blood on their hands
They have good lobbyists who fund corrupt politicians, AIPAC for example to get governments to spend billions on the pretext that they are being threatened and they will exterminated as Hitler did. Spend millions to get billions. They owned loads of businesses- Musk’s Tesla for example and Bezos’s Amazon. They have control of the media and want to perpetuate the system to remain in Power. They were rejected and deported by many European countries and they all want to return to the promised land. They have to take land from the Palestinians who were never in the past their enemies.
It is not, I think, just their money in politics. It is something to do with securing extractionist global capitalism. We need them somewhere, somehow… in the shadows of this horror.
They have loads of money which they use to fund their spies, politicians to speak for them in US, UK and Europe . Where they get their money, your guess is as good as mine. I suggest you look at who has got money and control large enterprises in the world. “ Friends of Israel”.
Exactly. “We” (tax paying workers) give them our money, they spend it on weapons from US companies, and those companies and the Israeli lobby bankroll our politicians for influence.
If we’re lucky we might get a job at a landmine factory, at least until we get our arms blown off and end up homeless due to the cost of medical care. Because the US government can’t afford to give us low cost health care, since all that money is going to kill people instead.
Kamala Harris, wake up! Do you want to be the first female President of the United States to be indicted of War Crimes under the Geneva Convention, and be known as having a Secretary of State who is complicit in actively supporting Genocide as ruled by the International Court of Justice? REALLY???
Exactly. I want to be HAPPY but I need to know. Are her hands tied? Or can she do something about this. If she can do something what is it that she can do. I know this bothers her. You can see it. You can feel it. I don’t want Trump to win. I don’t know how he could be any worse that Biden on Gaza but I think he can. I know we will lose any semblance of respect or freedom if he wins. My God. How do we stop this.
The whole show is off kilter… our economy doesn’t serve the bulk of our people and it messes up the world, however good so many of us are and/or intend and struggle to be.
Confusing gyrating times to be a human. We know both too much and not enough at the same time.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have shown their complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people by approving a $262 million sale of Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) to Israel. This decision is not just disappointing; it's morally reprehensible. These weapons are being used to perpetuate violence and suffering against innocent civilians. If Kamala Harris wants my vote in the future, she must take a stand for justice and human rights by implementing an arms embargo against Israel. Anything less is unacceptable.
As vice president, Harris must support the president, particularly in efforts to prevent a war with Iran. This is challenged by Netanyahu and his Republican allies in Congress, who are aligned with Trump. Despite Biden’s efforts with Middle Eastern leaders for a ceasefire and a two-state solution, Netanyahu remains defiant. It was unprecedented when Republican Congress members, not the President, invited Netanyahu to speak.
Actually Netanyahu received a joint invitation to congress. Chuck Schumer signed the invitation as did Hakeem Jeffries. And Harris could very well signal an intention to change policy through back channels while serving as VP but she has chosen to continue the fake ceasefire line instead. Check out Adam Johnson’s piece on this in the Column for more information.
Yes they did, but it was republicans invite originally. I believe that’s all she can do, for now. But, there is a sick dependency on Israel from both sides. I will read the piece you recommended.
Prem, it appears that US is using IDF soldiers but is directly involved in the genocide in Gaza. Us has an ongoing war with Iran and Lebanon (Hezbollah) as both are sanctioned countries and entity. Economic warfare is a tool of war and the US is using it to make them subservient to the wishes of the Israelis, so far to no avail.
It also appears that the Arab countries around Israel are also waking up though the rulers maybe with the Israelis but the public is with the 3 Hs. (Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis)
It is not in the long term interest of the US to continue blindly supporting the Genocidal regime of Netanyahu, Harris would have to put distance between her and the War Criminals of Israel soon as time is of the essence and she may end up losing the Battle Ground States of MI, WI, GA, and NV.
Her choice of Gov Walz would not be able to salvage democracy after all.
Trump will use his project 2025, and all the democratic efforts will be gone they are definitely not the same. Our chance for anything good will be lost for a long time. I cannot be a one issue voter on this.
That makes me sick to my stomach. And so angry!!!
Some reporter needs to have the energy to demand Harris answer if she agrees with this,,, which she likely does but it would be a very bad look for her. Force her to talk beyond ceasefire now and get into US continuing support in practice, WITH OUR MONEY, for the Israeli genocide of Gaza
Exactly! I heard something recently like "now is the time to demand action. Before they get our votes; because they obviously won't do anything when they're already in power"
Is it even possible for her to make those decisions, while she is still vp under Biden’s ticket?
I'm sure that Harris will have her own approach to this issue. It's not like she's a carbon copy of Joe. She has already expressed more sympathy for and consideration of Palestinians than Joe ever has, and a commitment to a cease fire (and a "two state solution"). But actions speak louder so let's see what happens.
But the issue is taking money from the Zionist funder machine…@AIPAC, Biden took the most in history… please Google who receives AIPAC funding, then cry your heart out.. every single Dem with the exception of a few in Michigan. Literally.
AIPAC spends a ton of money ousting Dems that don’t agree with their position. Other presidents have been unable to counter their influence in Congress.
American Israel Public Action Committee
Maybe she is saying more because pressure is mounting and there is more outrage world wide.
I doubt Harris agrees with this. She's a person from Berkeley, CA--which is where I am from, too. She's the age of my kids and the social atmosphere in Berkeley in the 1970s was not stupid or imperialist. She's got to keep her inner views private in order to get in a position to do something--which she has masterfully done. If that entailed appeasing somebody like Willie Brown to get patronage, she manfully did so. I believe Kamala is as radical and sweet and intelligent as I am, and as inwardly consistent, too--but that's alway so tricky most of us only approximate our best hopes, especially if we negotiate the 'system' as she's doing. Don't smear her with 'they're all the same' projections. No, they aren't. I think Harris is a big step up from Obama, for example, who was much more superficial and pretty sold out.
The position of president is not to call all the shots or make all the decisions. In the US, every president we’ve ever had was largely decorative. They work for Big Business and the military industry, either directly through meetings with their corporate sponsors, or slightly less directly through “think tanks” and advisors who are literally on the payroll of big companies like Raytheon, as one example, who managed to get one of their board members the job of Secretary of “Defense”. That’s right, Lloyd Austin came directly from the board of a company that is making all time record profits from the ongoing genocide in Palestine, among many, many other places where the US is arming and funding atrocities against innocent people. If you really read our history, it’s what we do best. Long, very expensive and usually unwinnable wars that drag in for decades, impoverish the working class and further enrich the already wealthy.
Harris will be no different. I can promise you 100% that nothing will really change in our foreign policy because capitalism, much like cancer, requires constant growth to survive and the US is the worlds largest weapons dealer by a factor of several times more than any other.
This comment shifts the focus to where it belongs. It is not possible to launch this level of discussion on 'main stream' media because we can't as a culture. You and I and other people can see this but media is part of the structure which depends, for funding, on 'not biting the hands that feed it.' Illustrations abound. Medhi is one of many who've been offered the carrot and then punished with the stick, as reporters. The power to ruin careers can't be minimized. The 'squad' politicians who were put out by means of APAC are likewise illustrations of this censorship--and not lost on those who see these examples of 'this can happen to you.'
Both examples (media complicity and US financial advantages from war) pivot on the same axes that works in all our lives. Where our morals collide with our safety or our profits (advantages). Walking our talk is hard.
The other important and central walk-away for me is an extraction & Always MoRe based economy on a finite planet is not sustainable. We in the U.S. are the Big Brother of world capitalism, but I feel both that it can’t hold up and that this is not going to be a soft landing.
I really want to believe what you say. But the circumstance calls for timely input, children and countless innocent lives are being destroyed. She must speak against this genocide NOW. Totally hear you on Obama.... he promised to close Guantanimo(SP?). The DNC should have let the Senator from Georgia speak.
On the notion of timeliness … how timely is this violent war against Gaza? Whose hands feel tied?
On the eve of the U.S. big spend holiday.
On the crest of an election year (where the race is so close) . Where Harris herself says more or less ‘make an issue of this, we lose to Trump’.
An ally brutally overwhelms a neighboring territory slaughtering thousands and destroying all infrastructure. While we send more weapons and defend them loudly at home and abroad, literally blocking the international institutions we put in place to stop this from ever happening again?
If so, is the race just too close for a fight amongst ourselves? (Dems) or is her silence (and Biden’s complicity) something about a critical InVeStMeNt and need for Israel to actually take power… or what?
I am so uncomfortable with the “you are throwing the race to Trump” argument. It is not about our race, it is about the human race, and international law, and the innocent.
What are they so afraid of? What does complicity hide? I can’t help but think Israel would not get away with this did it not happen on the must-spend eve of Christmas and an election year. Someone tell me the guts of this!
It's really centuries old. We're born, biologically parts of our parents until our first breath, as a mammal, a life form that's part of life's web. It's a shock to think we are separate, not sustainable really, since we'd die if we weren't fed and cared for by others. But our survival instincts rooted in us, individually, focus on what we are experiencing, not the 'big picture.' A hungry baby doesn't think beyond the next sip of milk. In healthy tribes, the connectedness is affirmed by the care, the satisfaction of needs we experience. Where that is interrupted, threatened--as in famine, war, poverty--whole tribes cease to have the baseline of security and THE IDEA that we're 'on our own' becomes what we believe. This isn't true, in the large sense, but whole tribes come to believe it is an 'us against them' world; individuals do, too, and they act on this. When defensiveness 'takes over' we feel insecure and we thrash about in our minds for 'solutions'--almost always at someone's loss--but the core problem is within us, within our tribe, too, if our belief system is set up to foster 'us against them' is a necessary part of being alive. I am speaking to your 'gut' because that sense of connectedness we are born with 'remembers' this. It starts out as a truth, a fact of how we are created within another person and cared for as helpless infants. Inborn security that's been lost, suppressed by various circumstances, but this sense of connectedness is what we 'are after' reclaiming. It still exists, as a 'big picture' reality we are part of, down through time/space. So if we reclaim this larger reality, we regain this sense, the feeling of wholeness. It is true, undeniable if we take a large view. This is intact in a genuinely 'normal' person, not stripped away by Adverse (Childhood-Adult-Societal) Experiences, but 'normal' security and care have been threatened to such an extent in most of us post WWII (Atom Bomb threat) that it is harder and harder for us to 'reconnect' with this 'normal' state of being safe and unthreatened parts of the life flow. What we call 'recovery' is getting back to this state of 'big picture' security by clearing out the trauma and anchoring a 'large view.' is a platform that uses 12-Steps, shorn of their 'religious' bullshit, to anchor this biologically conforming reality and get back one's power.
What the hell is wrong with these people? Why can’t they do the right thing?
We are a sick, malignant nation.
That's like sticking a finger soaked in chilli oil into a Palestinian kid's eye, that is, his only remaining eye!! What is this sick love for Israel? Have we not an iota of decency? Is that why Biden is walking around like a zombie burdened with the blood, torn flesh & decapitated bodies of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank? What else can I say?
It’s not about love.
It’s about $$$ and power.
Nearly all politicians are sociopaths or psychopaths to some degree, especially those that have enough sociopathic drive for power to get them into the White House.
All they care about is power and $$$ and the Israeli lobby holds the key to both.
When your friends/advisors (like Blinken) come from families of Holocaust survivors, you’re never ALLOWED to think kindly of a Palestinian. It’s politically incorrect (suicidal) to speak poorly of a Jew or Israel (but not a Muslim or Palestinian)
More Palestinian voices are needed in Congress & the media. More money is needed to attack Zionist apologists.
Unconscionable and incomprehensible. I am so ashamed to be American.
The US-Backed Israel has been able to carry out this genocide ONLY due to "unconditional support" by the Joenocide Biden administration and the Israeli congress in Washington. We had heard of unsupported allegations about the beheaded babies and systematic rape from the US-Backed Israel and yet we have seen the actual proof of beheaded babies and systematic rape by the IOF.
It’s true. And I am terrified about what is to come to our own children. 😔 Palestinian civilians aren’t Hamas, and we are not Biden.
It is important to remember that a tactic of Israel seems to be broadcasting horrendous acts without substantiation. That’s how they got UNWRA UN-funded.
The media is all saying Hamas killed these 6 hostages because blah blah blah. Where’s the intel? It’s coming from Israel. No one else can report from inside. There are no witnesses and no documentation.
President Biden is an international terrorist. I’m sorry if that offends anyone. But he has for ten months continued to arm Israel, even against US law. This empty shell should be removed from office. He’s taking the world forward to WWIII. And all the hoopla about Harris is rapidly deflating to the current status quo. Won’t commit to an arms embargo. Continuing with the “Israel has the right to defend itself “ narrative. Genocide is not a defensive act. And a shout out to Medhi for his assistance in putting her out there as the way forward. There should have been an open convention. How is her being anointed the candidate a democratic process? I’m 68. Never voted third party. Unless something changes I will not give my support to a party blindly endorsing genocide. How is that the lesser of two evils. Can’t get any more evil than this. Oh, and Biden is supposed to be campaigning for the Harris/Walz ticket. Get the picture?
Biden is a second-rate mind, a follower, thus an imperialist as a 'go with the flow' creature, and that been the case since he went into politics as a career. It is the greedy imperialist that use this kind of second-rate critter that we need to dispossess. Tax billionaires out of existence; break up foundations and pacs that fund 'think tanks' to train and manipulate these kinds of policies. It is like swatting flies to go after people like Biden and Reagan, and even Trump. The manipulation is intended to keep people like ourselves distracted and busy in petty goals. The imperialists are what William Burroughs called 'giant fur-armed insects that run the world,' and that was his family he was describing! Biden is mediocre and small, weak and doing his best to sneak by--and those sorts of people believe we are all like that, which is a mistake. We aren't.
Other than Reagan, who used the power of American arms several times to influence Israeli war policy, at different points ordering warplanes and cluster munitions to be delayed or withheld, every other President sold his soul to the Zionists. However, when it came to recognizing and pushing for a two state solution, Reagan was another loser. He would not support a two state solution.
This is definitely a WTF moment.
It’s disgusting that Biden et al are bowing to the Israeli lobbyists. We know they spent millions $ to unseat Cori Bush. To think that a black politician is taking money from the Israeli lobby to do their dirty work so that the US Govt will send billions to Israel so
That they can kill more Palestinians. Blood on their hands
Right. If they have so much money, why are WE funding their genocide?
That is why they have so much money, they spend our money.
They have good lobbyists who fund corrupt politicians, AIPAC for example to get governments to spend billions on the pretext that they are being threatened and they will exterminated as Hitler did. Spend millions to get billions. They owned loads of businesses- Musk’s Tesla for example and Bezos’s Amazon. They have control of the media and want to perpetuate the system to remain in Power. They were rejected and deported by many European countries and they all want to return to the promised land. They have to take land from the Palestinians who were never in the past their enemies.
Yes. Why are we funding their genocide?
It is not, I think, just their money in politics. It is something to do with securing extractionist global capitalism. We need them somewhere, somehow… in the shadows of this horror.
They have loads of money which they use to fund their spies, politicians to speak for them in US, UK and Europe . Where they get their money, your guess is as good as mine. I suggest you look at who has got money and control large enterprises in the world. “ Friends of Israel”.
That money will be spent on US arms that are currently being produced and will be delivered in the future, not immediate procurement.
Exactly. “We” (tax paying workers) give them our money, they spend it on weapons from US companies, and those companies and the Israeli lobby bankroll our politicians for influence.
If we’re lucky we might get a job at a landmine factory, at least until we get our arms blown off and end up homeless due to the cost of medical care. Because the US government can’t afford to give us low cost health care, since all that money is going to kill people instead.
Outrageous, we dont have universal healthcare, like most democratic nations do. Even Israel!
Yes. Sell out our quickly out-dating hardware to invest more in the fancy new stuff.
Kamala Harris, wake up! Do you want to be the first female President of the United States to be indicted of War Crimes under the Geneva Convention, and be known as having a Secretary of State who is complicit in actively supporting Genocide as ruled by the International Court of Justice? REALLY???
Exactly. I want to be HAPPY but I need to know. Are her hands tied? Or can she do something about this. If she can do something what is it that she can do. I know this bothers her. You can see it. You can feel it. I don’t want Trump to win. I don’t know how he could be any worse that Biden on Gaza but I think he can. I know we will lose any semblance of respect or freedom if he wins. My God. How do we stop this.
Well they did invite him so he could ask in person to get them so he could “finish the job” and even got him a cover photo on TIME.
Such a F! Joke this admin is and people going to consciously vote for Harris so she can continue the trend. What a country.
Get her elected then drag them down On This!!
The whole show is off kilter… our economy doesn’t serve the bulk of our people and it messes up the world, however good so many of us are and/or intend and struggle to be.
Confusing gyrating times to be a human. We know both too much and not enough at the same time.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have shown their complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people by approving a $262 million sale of Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAMs) to Israel. This decision is not just disappointing; it's morally reprehensible. These weapons are being used to perpetuate violence and suffering against innocent civilians. If Kamala Harris wants my vote in the future, she must take a stand for justice and human rights by implementing an arms embargo against Israel. Anything less is unacceptable.
As vice president, Harris must support the president, particularly in efforts to prevent a war with Iran. This is challenged by Netanyahu and his Republican allies in Congress, who are aligned with Trump. Despite Biden’s efforts with Middle Eastern leaders for a ceasefire and a two-state solution, Netanyahu remains defiant. It was unprecedented when Republican Congress members, not the President, invited Netanyahu to speak.
Actually Netanyahu received a joint invitation to congress. Chuck Schumer signed the invitation as did Hakeem Jeffries. And Harris could very well signal an intention to change policy through back channels while serving as VP but she has chosen to continue the fake ceasefire line instead. Check out Adam Johnson’s piece on this in the Column for more information.
Yes they did, but it was republicans invite originally. I believe that’s all she can do, for now. But, there is a sick dependency on Israel from both sides. I will read the piece you recommended.
Prem, it appears that US is using IDF soldiers but is directly involved in the genocide in Gaza. Us has an ongoing war with Iran and Lebanon (Hezbollah) as both are sanctioned countries and entity. Economic warfare is a tool of war and the US is using it to make them subservient to the wishes of the Israelis, so far to no avail.
It also appears that the Arab countries around Israel are also waking up though the rulers maybe with the Israelis but the public is with the 3 Hs. (Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Houthis)
It is not in the long term interest of the US to continue blindly supporting the Genocidal regime of Netanyahu, Harris would have to put distance between her and the War Criminals of Israel soon as time is of the essence and she may end up losing the Battle Ground States of MI, WI, GA, and NV.
Her choice of Gov Walz would not be able to salvage democracy after all.
Votes will fall whichever way she lands on this issue. A nail biter.
Btw, Netanyahu wants Trump to win….
Netanyahu owns the US government regardless of who is sitting at the top.
Who cares they are all bad
Trump will use his project 2025, and all the democratic efforts will be gone they are definitely not the same. Our chance for anything good will be lost for a long time. I cannot be a one issue voter on this.
The system is corrupting. Good people do go into politics. We all feel trapped.
There are degrees of trouble. Project 2025 is enough for me to know who I prefer in office.
Once they get there may we please manifest a hardcore campaign for a better world, starting with a better America.