It's about time.

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Feb 26Edited

My thought as well. Hopefully Biden, Blinken etc. will be indicted. However the whole Democrat establishment is guilty of war crimes.

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Trump just sent bunker busters to Israel and is openly proposing ethnic cleansing of Gaza . He will need the same examination, both for Gaza and Ukraine soon.

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US support has included at least $17.9 billion of weapons transfers, intelligence sharing, and targeting assistance – and the US abstaining from, voting against, and vetoing several UN resolutions calling for a ceasefire and hostage deal or increased humanitarian aid over the course of 15 months. It’s also included repeatedly sending weapons to Israel without congressional review, including weapons that were used in alleged war crimes like the killing of Hind Rajab.

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The Hind Rajab Foundation has, among other things, filed a case with the ICC against 1,000 Israeli soldiers for war crimes in Gaza.


They have taken further steps in recent days, and vacations are becoming a lot more difficult for IDF soldiers, worldwide. The Hind Rajab Foundation can use our help. Please join me in making a contribution.


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Brilliant - but didn't Biden escape prosecution from a court case on account his brain is now mush?

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Fair point, but I think it should count for something that this particular aspect of his malicious intentions, has spanned more than half a century.

His handlers — at the very least — can't argue that he was momentarily befuddled, for well over a year.

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I despise Biden’s & Blinkin’s unqualified support of Israel & I called the WH many times to register my displeasure & distress. I also voted uncommitted in the primary. However, I do not believe his brain is “mush” as you put it, & I don’t take that Special Prosecutor’s word on that.

Biden was too old to run again, huge mistake. Forgetful, egotistical & lost his train of thought sometimes, old & tired like I am; but not demented.

Should he, Blinkin, & Kelly be charged for war crimes; yes, I believe they should be.

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hmm, i read/saw that there's loads of evidence that he was demented, even BEFORE he was elected as POTUS. The Democrats were massively in denial - and that gave the world the Trump fascist again... but i agree with all your other points. This from 2019: https://caitlinjohnstone.com/2019/09/16/bidens-brain-is-swiss-cheese-and-its-creepy-that-were-not-talking-about-it/

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The leaders of the United States of Israel are the main reason the Israeli regime was able to commit the horrors and war crimes it committed!! So naturally they should be held to account too!!

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The awakening of the Islamic spirit in the West is here. People of all backgrounds unite under the light of justice, calling for peace, dignity, and human rights. We, the people, have the power to demand an end to genocide and uphold international law.

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Nail the Barstewards!

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If the shoe fits, ……

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If the jackboot fits....

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The trouble is that the rule of law and democracy were ignored and dismantled to enable Bush and Blair to commit war crimes with impunity despite clear evidence of illegal invasion, mass civilian fatalities and inhumane torture of prisoners over 20 years ago. Assad, Putin, Biden, Blinken, Sunak, Starmer etc are just continuing the rotten imperialist project. Sow the wind, inherit the whirlwind.

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I fear you are decades too late in coming to that conclusion. History will show, the dates when ignoring the rule of law and democracy were ignored began long before that date,

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Every morning I login to my computer and I face only grim and depressing News. Today is one of those rare days that among all depressing News, there is one that gives me some joy knowing well that this will never go anywhere and even if it does, nothing of substance will come about it.

But it gives me joy that when he is on his way to hell, he will know that he is subject of a probe for his complicity in this genocide.

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Well put 👏👏

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That’s a globally harmful move that benefits Putin and Trump and won’t help the Palestinians. The Biden administration sent the weapons to Israel to support the destruction of the Iranian proxy groups. Biden hates Netanyahu because Netanyahu had already agreed with Jared Kushner to wipe out the Palestinians to free up the land for development (that info has been out there for a while and it’s clear there was a deal based on the Trump administrations recent actions). Biden couldn’t prevent Netanyahu’s actions and now this group has just rendered Putin’s arrest warrant irrelevant by equating Biden’s actions with Putin’s. Trump and Putin will gloat and the Palestinians will get nothing.

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The creativity of people to deny their absurd cognitive dissonance…

It was Biden that sold billions in weapons to Israel. It was the Biden administration that vetoed all UN resolutions against Israel. The rest is noise.

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I really think that's bonkers. While Biden was in office, I would have thought your view was mistaken, but I could see how you might think that. Now, though, he's out of office, and trying to shore up his position is useless. If anything going after him might push Dems to some badly needed soul searching. And how can giving one group of criminals a pass hurt the effort to go after other criminals? If anything it should strengthen the rule of law.

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Biden’s actions are equivalent or worse than Putins. The Palestinians have gotten nothing before.. why should more nothing make a difference?

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I would suggest that these efforts are meant to change that. I can't tell if your comment is meant to suggest otherwise.

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Does that mean you don’t think Trump isn’t going to commit war crimes & genocide too? He’s still sending bombs to Netanyahu, & those Palestinians aren’t going to move willingly.

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I agree with you. But I’ll bet this org doesn’t follow up with regard to Trump. This action is intended to make Biden look bad (always ask: does this benefit Putin?).

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I am a Biden supporter, but the actions in Gaza are so bad that they do need this examination, although he operates via specialists.

Especially Blinkin, who was the hands on person running this, needs to be examined very closely examined and likely charged.

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I am doing my earnest not to judge but it really baffles me how anyone can still say "I am Biden supporter" if that person cares even slightly for the rule of law, humanity and America!

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You should judge. Its a disgrace anyone would support a person that first lied about beheaded babies and raped civilians as a pretext for a genocidal response, then sent billions worth of weapons to Israel to accomplish the genocide, and then criticized the ICJ for calling it a genocide, and then sent again billions worth of weapons after the ICC made the arrest warrant. Anyone supporting such person simply doesnt care about palestinian life. They can call themselves intellectual or open minded, but in their heart they’re racist. You should judge.

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Maybe what he means is "given a choice between Biden and Trump, I'd pick Biden"? I can't speak for him, but it's plausible. It's not how I would have stated it - I'd never describe myself as a Biden supporter, but someone might say it that way.

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I judge and hold Biden responsible for delivering the WH to tRUMP.

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Kelly was in on the advising part too, I’d imagine. I wonder what General Austin’s advice was, what he really felt in his heart about what they were doing?

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It is a shame we are incapable of shame. As I said elsewhere, in a different context, last week, “We have met the enemy and he is us”.

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Spot on. The only thing wrong about the timing of this is that it came so late, but it's better late than never.

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Yeah, it’s about time. Why the hell did it take this long for anyone to file this motion⁉️

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I’m only upset State Department Spokesdemon Matthew Miller was not also named. Maybe that would knock the perma-smirk from his smarmy face.

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This case will likely not succeed because the argument that the US justice system is incapable of prosecuting the crimes & thus the need for the ICC to prosecute is too weak.

The claimants should exhaust all their legal options in the US Courts first (up to & including the US Supreme Court) in 5-8 different lawsuits on 10-20 different criminal acts under US laws. Then, when/if they fail, can rightly claim the US is incapable of prosecuting these crimes & thus the need for the ICC to step in.

Because the Israel justice system has a very long history showing that is incapable to prosecute Israelis for crimes against Palestinians, the ICC have a very strong case to intervene & claim jurisdiction.

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Hi SVDW, to your points there isn't a requirement that a justice system be incapable of prosecution for a case to be valid with the ICC. A state (in this case, the US) only needs to be unwilling (or unable) to prosecute; this is outlined by the ICC under 'complementarity'. This can easily be established by putting together any number of recent US Presidential or Supreme Court statements (eg: recent Presidential Immunity ruling) , let alone older more significant legislative actions in Congress (dare I mention the American Service-Members' Protection Act 2002 aka The Hague Invasion Act).

There is a fair body of support for skipping the domestic prosecutorial pathway. The geo-politics of it though would be somewhat unprecedented.

That long history justification you talk about with the Isreali justice system... well, the US has a long one too. ie: just how many got sent up the river for the illegal war in Iraq?

Point being, it isn't a weak case, it's just novel for the US to potentially face court for it.

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