
Representative Rashida Talib has shown sensitivity and restraint time and time again. She has specifically made the case for all the people who live in Israel and Palestine: Jews, Muslims and Christians. She is a national treasure!

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Jake tapper is a smear merchant, a despicable islamophobic national embarrassment and if CNN had any integrity they would fire him, and if Jake tapper had any integrity he would resign. But we all know neither one of those things is going to happen, because this is America. And America is now the most corrupt country on earth. - an American citizen

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Tapper is no journalist, but a media scribe doing the bidding of the Biden/Harris regime and the Zionist lobby. He peddles the lie that October 7 attacks occurred without the context of decades of Israeli oppression of Palestinians.

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At THIS point in time, the MOST DECENT PEOPLE IN THE WORLD are being falsely accused of "antisemitism."

And the most racist people in the world are feigning indignation.

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18 hrs ago·edited 18 hrs ago

Nessel, and her supporters, are obviously Zionist hacks. Because the only protesters she went after are those protesting the GENOCIDE AND ETHNIC CLEANSING OF DEFENSELESS MOSTLY WOMEN AND CHILDREN! That is not supporting Hamas or Hezbollah. BTW: Hamas and Hezbollah are Political parties just like the Psychotic Zionist Likud. Seemingly one of the reasons she did it is because her Zionist Masters demanded it.

Ms. Tlaib was abused by these attacks from the Zionist Stooges - mental midgets! And very importantly all Arabs are Semites so they are not Anti-Semitic and many Jews are not Semites. It is a stolen word by the Zionists so they can cry it while they commit unspeakable atrocities Disgusting!.

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The last acceptable prejudice is anti-Islamism. In fact, if you're not anti-Islam, you must be an anti-Semite, and possibly a terrorist. Witness the bipartisan acceptance of ever more military aid to a renegade regime, just because it's Israel.

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And THAT is why I don’t watch CNN (except for Jim Acosta) any more! CNN should be ashamed for spreading a lie (more than once) and not correcting the lie & apologizing to Tlaib. Disgusting

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Tlaib simply said that there was evidence of bias, meaning evidence of bias against protesters supporting Palestinian rights as compared to protesters of any other matter. Clearly in the eyes of the AG, bias only comes in one form, and that is antisemitism. Nothing else is recognizable to her.

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You know what they say: it takes a lie to go halfway around the world before the truth gets its pants on. This is but another example of that.

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Jake Tapper and his programme mate, Dana Bash are just shills for Israel. I just watched Erdogan giving a speech at the U.N. and it was very satisfying hearing him list the crimes that Israel has committed. Try and catch it if you can. He is asking for justice to be meted out in a concrete way to help the people of Palestine. Rashida's cause is being heard all over the world. Tapper and his ilk are destined for the rubbish heap; meaning their sort of phony reporting has fallen out of favour with most of the people. Their blatant covering for Israel is no longer fooling anyone.

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Just.No.Words. It's truly unfathomable how CNN came up with a bald faced lie, then doubled down. And never actually retracted and told the truth. Is it Islamophobia (Bernie Sanders or Schumer could probably have said what Tlaib did with no lie-peddling attached)? What will it take for the MSM to stop conflating anti-genocide speech with "anti-Semitism." Serious question. Maybe it will get easier as the IDF is reenacting Gaza 2.0 in Lebanon. I don't think they can kill 500 Lebanese people a day and get away with chanting "but Hezbollah."

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I don't think Rashida is especially religious. But she's Palestinian, and this country suffers from very specific anti-Palestinian racism, even worse than general ant-Arab racism. I remember my mother, who was in most ways a great progressive and supported civil rights (she died before Black Lives Matter, but on earlier bouts of civil rights issues she was great), but she said pretty horrific racist stuff about Palestinians.

Forgive me for bad-mouthing my mother in public. The point is that she was mostly very decent, but thought nothing of showing extreme anti-Palestinian bias.

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That is the success of this settler-colonial project. I'm 66 and remember hearing when I was a kid about the "land with no people for a people with no land" and Arabs just hate Jews because ….fill in the blank… . It would be interesting to ask one of those armed protestors of having to wear a mask in public, what they might think if some foreign country came and took their land to give to MIGRANTS no less! Would they just go quietly to a refugee camp (reservation)? To live there for generations while the reservation land was taken away bit by bit?

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Congresswoman Talib is a courageous person, speaking the truth when the powerful are willing to be complicit in an ongoing genocide. It is not just Joke Tapper, it is Mourning Joe Scarborough, and ADL's Groanblatt, and university professors, as well as senators and representatives at the national and state level who are allowing MAGA Bibi's Israel to try to build a Greater Israel on the bones and bodies of the Palestinians. Here is the letter I sent recently to Israeli Ambassador Herzog in D.C.: The Honorable Michael Herzog

Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations

3514 International Drive, N.W.

Washington D.C. 20008

Dear Ambassador Herzog,

I would like to share with you a handout I gave to more than 200 young people at a gathering in support of the Palestinian people in Tampa attended by over 700:

Despite the killing of Gazans, despite the new assaults and stolen land in the West Bank, despite efforts to label all Palestinians as Hamas, despite 75 years of occupying and oppressing the indigenous people, Israel has finally failed.

It's been defeated by too many lies, too many distortions, too much land being stolen, too much destruction of olive trees, too much denial of justice, too much imprisonment of children without charges, too much abject blind support from the United States, too much blood spilling of innocents, and too many young people world-wide unwilling to ignore an ongoing genocide.

Israel is defeated. Its right-wing, extremist, zionist zealot of a government has laid bare its cruelty, its ugliness, its vengeance for all the world to see. It has forgotten and ignored the Judaic and Islamic values of justice, peace, compassion and mercy. Now it is doomed as a pariah nation state unless it does what it should have done in 1948, or in 1967--create a secular democracy in which all citizens are equal under the law, whether it is called Israeli Palestine or Palestinian Israel.

Because Israel has chosen death for decades, now it must suffer to choose life. This will save not just Palestinian lives, but Israeli Jews as well, inshallah.

As a person who grew up in the Catskills with so many Jewish people old and young, rich and poor, I truly believe that the government you belong to has perverted Judaism with its Zionist push for a Greater Israel on the bones and bodies of the Palestinian people. Your struggle for recognition of a Jewish homeland after so much suffering mirrors the plight of a free Palestine today.

Do you have the courage to say no to Bibi and his cabinet? For the sake of your morality, your integrity, your faith and perhaps your soul, you must do this.

Daniel Callaghan, Partners for Palestine, Veterans for Peace, Florida Veterans for Common Sense

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Really shows how the predisposition of Tapper et al (and the silence of their superiors) shows the knee-jerk reaction of some of the mainstream “news” with regard to anything having to do with protests against Israel’s death machine.

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Both our government and the main stream media are proving over and over that they are indeed the ones who are racist. For nearly a year the spin is that anyone who speaks out against the government and MSM support for the genocide perpetrated against the Palestinian people are antisemitic. It’s disgusting. The US power structures have lost their way. Who controls this injustice and why?

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I really try to separate Judaism from Zionism but you keep muddying the waters Zioshits! If you don’t see how this brings on more antisemitism, then there is no hope here.

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A perfect example of why I am fed up with and completely disappointed in mainstream media.

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You know where all of this is coming from right? The Israeli lobby. They found a small crack with Congresswoman Tlaib and are going to do all they can do get her out of office. No one in the U.S. public eye, be it politicians or main stream media people, are allowed to criticize Israel or the Jews in general, period. We have seen that many times in the last twelve months. Look at what happened to Jamal Bowman and Cory Bush. There are a lot more who have come under fire and lost their media jobs as well. We have the evidence that this is coming from all the way from the top, Joe Biden, a self-described Zionist and all of his handlers. Congresswoman Tlaib needs to watch her back because they are gunning for her and there are no rules of engagement.

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