I’m waiting to see if the Harris administration changes policies towards Israel. I don’t hold out much hope. The influence of the Israeli lobby on the US government is reprehensible. We used to think that the NRA was powerful. They don’t hold a candle to the power of the Israeli lobby.

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Disgusting that they don’t have to register as a FOREIGN lobby, particularly since many American Jews do not agree with their positions.

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The US State Department needs to be investigated. The department's handling of the Gaza crisis has been outrageous. The spokesmen for the department do nothing but lie or deflect in response to legitimate questions about events in Gaza.

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Who is going to investigate that? Wouldn't be like when Israel investigate IOF conduct?

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Investigating would be Congress’ job. Not going to happen, obviously

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Are you referring to the Knesset of the USA in Washington? If they do, they will probably allocate more B$$$ to Israel for defamation

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I'm not sure whose spxpersons they are. They just keep parroting when the questions relate to a certain foreign state, and it's not only on this issue by the way.

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Reporter: Is there any updates on the investigation of the US State Dept being a tool of the Israeli government?

Matt Miller [with long gray beard]: We take these allegations very seriously and will be conducting a full investigation but I have no updates….

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State Department officials are a blockade

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Asking a criminal to investigate itself! What a civilized way of dealing with barbarism???!!!

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That is how the Zionist Joe Biden tells the media to FUCK OFF.

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And American citizens as the government leaches all their tax money to war criminals.

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Every day brings more horrors out of Palestine. Prem, I appreciate your efforts to hold people accountable. Don’t let them off the hook for the atrocities they’ve normalized.

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Bullshit bullshit bullshit. There has never been accountability for killings by Israeli soldiers or police. Shireen Abu Akleh May 2022. If no one has been held accountable for that.. let's be honest here

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Fantastic journalism, Mr Thakker. You have the facts and are holding their feet to the fire. Keep going. We need more like you.

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Just shocking!!!! The United States of Israel has no answer because it has no moral compass!

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It has been 200 years since slavery and no real justice for the African Americans so if we are waiting for justice to come from America, then we will be waiting for a looooooong time.

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This story of Hind Rajab, her family and the heroic medics that tried to rescue her was proven to be an intentional hit on a family and Hind Rijabs rescuers as presented months ago by Aljazeera IMO. The UsA has built its corporate empire on the blood of Native Americans, African slaves, Chinese immigrants, People's of Central, South America etc. If we read the history of US foreign policy it becomes blatantly obvious what the UsA is about- MAKING MONEY! NOT DEMOCRACY, NOT FREEDOM BUT EXPLOITATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES FOR MONEY.

The question in my mind is how do we get a proudly ignorant population, who is brainwashed daily by UsA & other propaganda TV news stations to Vote for change. My example of these folks would be to just watch a some episodes of Jordan Kleper fingers the pulse. The current 2 party system is rigged by corporations with individual rights and very powerful Israel lobby who spent about 25 million to remove Jamaal Bowman in NY because he decented. Long time "good" democrats who I spent most of my life voting for such as Diane Feinstein have profited immensely from the UsA corporate war machine. According to the Center for public Integrity: Feinstein's husband, Richard Blum, made millions of dollars from Iraq and Afghanistan contracts through his company, Tutor Perini Corporation.This is further enforced by looking at her stock portfolio investing.

Anyway, my point being that if we want to see change in the UsA we need a different approach such as the one taken by Cornel West.

Voting for democrats will NOT get the job done, they will just continue to kick the "democracy can" down the road as they have done for decades while pocketing millions. Kamala and her husband Doug I fear are likely no different.

But again, as we have for decades, we are setup to be given no choice but to vote for the lesser of 2 evils: unhinged wanna be Putin Trump/Vance or Harris/Walz who of at least domestically given the people some of what they want in the form of Healthcare reforms and other small bread crumbs to keep the people "happy".

The UsA needs reform- a democratic socialist party that removes corporate power, if we want a change in US foreign policy and the end to genocidal murders like Hind Rijab and the thousand of others in Gaza and around the world. Something along the lines of AOC, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Jamaal Bowman, Bernie Sanders and Cornel West...

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Good summary of the state of affairs. Divestment is not effective enough on its own. The only way out is if the narrative can be debunked and enough realise the scam. Slavery has not ended, just like the Nakba. They continue with impunity because the people are allowing it, in fear of their own livelihoods. All the while Israeli citizens continue to enjoy the highest standards of living at the expense of the US taxpayer. A great return on investment for the lobby.

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Please let us know how we can help. ? call state dept. ? call our congressman? etc.

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Prem’s commitment to this issue is so important. Thank you for the work you’re doing.

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Thanks for exposing that Biden’s Forever Massacre goons lack accountability even for heinous crimes like the Hind execution. The immoral rot has been everywhere since Vietnam with flareups from Cambodia to Fallujah. They don’t even try to be comprehensive or competent, just deflect and smirk.

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Prem: Your & Mehdi’s technique ought to be taught in journalism school and elsewhere. We, the public, ought to use it when asking questions to politicians and their minions; to hold them accountable.

Biden chose these disingenuous spokespeople and he should be held accountable, not his VP, for Apartheid Israel’ genocide. We can do that by calling for his bipartisan impeachment. It seems clear that he’s OK w/ Palestinian genocide; even if Dems lose the elections to the fascist GOP.

Read Norman Solomon’s recent article in TruthDig, comparing Humphrey & Harris fealty to their respective presidents’ penchant for war, and how lost the 1968 elections. Humphrey regretted belatedly his stance. Hopefully, will get the msg before it’s too late. She must break with Biden, if Biden does

not sever ties w/Israel.

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I agree, but no break will happen until she is not Biden's VP. At some point, she is going to have to sever that link and disagree with Biden. Right now, she is walking a tightrope.

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AIPAC is Israel’s best investment. They give away millions into our political system and get back BILLIONS! What a corrupt system.

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It's just talk, they are doing nothing to investigate. But I really appreciate you bringing it up and not letting it go!

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Prem Thakker is putting a lot of Muslims to shame too.

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Wajid: In plain English, what are you trying to say, or imply? Are you disparaging Muslims while extolling Thakker? If that’s the case, what the purpose; who gains from your comment?

Have you made similar comments about other ethnic or religious groups?

Please help me, I don’t want to dismiss your comment as insipid, or divisive.

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I think he's speaking about the leaders of Muslim nations like the Saudi leadership, the Jordanian leadership, etc. The Saudis have criminalised protests in favour of Palestine. They are fighting for European colonizers and against Palestinians.

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The way I took the comment was that there are many Muslim journalists and countries that aren't doing much (if anything) about Israeli abuses.

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How so? Whats he done, honest question?

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